transcode for xbox360

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transcode for xbox360

Postby neor » 10 Mar 2006 16:34

I have an MCE with french TV freemultipost and i want to transcode video to see it on my 360
but i can't found where i put the transcode line :(

Code: Select all

<html> <head> <title>MCE Freebox</title> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="./Main.css"> <script src="./BasicFunctions.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="./Scrolling.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="./MoveFocus.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="JScript"> var RefreshXMLInterval=5*60; //in second var ZapInterval=10; // in sec var InfoBarDelay=8; var format=":aspect-ratio=4:3"; var FullScreen=false; var CurrentChannelID=0; var LastChannelID=2; var top; var height; var oXmlData2 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0"); var oXmlData = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0"); var oNodesEPG; var oNodesLIST; var marge=0; var vv=document.getElementById("vlcTable"); var timer=false; var timerXML=false; var timerZap=false; var Zapping=false; oXmlData2.async = false; oXmlData.async = false; oXmlData.load("list.xml"); oNodesLIST = oXmlData.selectNodes("/channels/channel"); if (oXmlData.parseError.errorCode != 0) alert('Erreur liste chaine'); function ReadXML() { oXmlData2.load(""); oNodesEPG = oXmlData2.selectNodes("/audience15/channel"); if (oXmlData2.parseError.errorCode != 0) alert('Erreur Audience Free'); } function GetVal(Elem) { if (Elem) return Elem.text; else return ''; } </script> <script language="JScript" id="clientEventHandlersJS"> function pageunLoadFunctions() { setBGColor("#0E4C97"); //window.external.MediaCenter.DirectXExclusive = true; } function pageLoadFunctions() { setBGColor("#0E4C97"); //window.external.MediaCenter.DirectXExclusive = false; checkSVP(); setCounter(); setArray(); startFocus(); Clock(); Play();; } function RefreshXML() { if (timerXML) window.clearTimeout(timerXML); ReadXML(); for (var i=0; i<oNodesLIST.length; i++) document.getElementById(i+200).innerHTML=PrintInfo(oNodesLIST.item(i).selectNodes("name").item(0).text); timerXML=window.setTimeout("RefreshXML();", RefreshXMLInterval*1000); // } function Play() { oCurFocus = document.getElementById(''+(CurrentChannelID+200)); oCurFocus.focus(); /*if (CurrentChannelID==8) // NRJ12 format=":aspect-ratio=16:9";*/ var options = new Array(":input-repeat=0"); var targetURL = "rtsp://" + oNodesLIST.item(CurrentChannelID).selectNodes("id").item(0).text document.vlc.addTarget(targetURL, options, 4+8, -666); if (FullScreen) ShowChannel(); } function ShowChannel(Text) { if (timer) window.clearTimeout(timer); if (FullScreen) { var vlcTable=document.getElementById("vlcTable"); var vlc=document.getElementById("vlc");; } var chan=document.getElementById('Channel');'visible';; //; //; var now = new Date(); var html; html='<center><table><tr><td width=70 height=51><img src="icon/'; html+=oNodesLIST.item(CurrentChannelID).selectNodes("img").item(0).text; html+='" width=62 height=48 hspace=10 vspace=0 align=absmiddle></td><td style=" FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 20pt; font-family: arial; padding-left: 10; color: #f2f2f2; padding-top: 2">'; html+=PrintInfo(oNodesLIST.item(CurrentChannelID).selectNodes("name").item(0).text); html+='</td><td style=" FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 28pt; font-family: arial; padding-left: 10; color: #f2f2f2; padding-top: 2">'; var m=now.getMinutes(); if (m<10) m='0'+m; html+='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+now.getHours()+':'+m; if (Text) html+='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+Text; if (Zapping) html+='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=remote.gif>'; html+='</td></tr></table></center>'; chan.innerHTML=html; timer=window.setTimeout("HideChannel();", InfoBarDelay*1000); } function HideChannel() { document.getElementById('Channel').style.visibility='hidden'; if (FullScreen) document.getElementById('vlc').style.height=height; timer=false; } function Clock() { // refresh the xml data ... var now = new Date(); var html; html='<font style=" FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 28pt; font-family: arial; color: #f2f2f2;">'; var m=now.getMinutes(); if (m<10) m='0'+m; html+=''+now.getHours()+':'+m; html+='<font>'; document.getElementById('Clock').innerHTML=html; window.setTimeout("Clock();", 60*1000); } function PrintInfo(Name) { var buffer=''; for (var i=0; i<oNodesEPG.length; i++) { if (Name==oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("name").item(0).text) { buffer=''; buffer+='<font style="font-size=22px"><b><nobr>'; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_title").item(0)); buffer+='</nobr></font><br>'; buffer+='<font style="font-size=16px">'; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_start").item(0)); buffer+=' - '; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_end").item(0)); buffer+=' '; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_type").item(0)); //buffer+=' <b>'; //buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("rank").item(0)); //buffer+='/15</b>'; buffer+=' &nbsp;</font>'; rank=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("rank").item(0)); if (rank!="") { r=Number(rank); if (r<6) { r=6-r; for (;r>0;r--) buffer+='<img align=absmiddle src=etoile.gif>'; } } break; } } if (buffer=='') buffer=Name; return buffer; } function Zap() { if (Zapping==false) return 0; LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; if (CurrentChannelID<oNodesLIST.length-1) CurrentChannelID++; else CurrentChannelID=0; Play(); window.setTimeout("Zap();", ZapInterval*1000); } function doKeyDown(keyChar) { //alert(keyChar); switch(keyChar) { case 8:// Keyboard Backspace selected case 166:// Remote Control Back button if (FullScreen) { FullScreen=false; var vv=document.getElementById("vlcTable");;;;; Zapping=false; if (TimerZap) window.clearTimeout(timerZap); } else { window.external.MediaCenter.CloseApplication(); } break; case 33: // Channel+ case 176: LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; if (CurrentChannelID<oNodesLIST.length-1) CurrentChannelID++; else CurrentChannelID=0; Play(); break; case 34: // Channel- case 177: LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; if (CurrentChannelID>0) CurrentChannelID--; else CurrentChannelID=oNodesLIST.length-1 Play(); break; case 250: // play Play(); //window.external.MediaCenter.CustomViewPort.focus(); break; case 178: // stop document.vlc.stop(); break; case -100: // info if (FullScreen) { //RefreshXML(); ShowChannel(); } else window.navigate("./apropos.htm"); break; case 51: //# if (timer) HideChannel(); else { ShowChannel('Loading EPG...'); window.setTimeout("RefreshEPG();", 100); //RefreshXML(); //ShowChannel(); } break; case 56: // etoile Zapping=!Zapping; if (Zapping) { window.setTimeout("Zap();", ZapInterval*1000); //ShowChannel("Zapping ON"); } else { window.clearTimeout(timerZap); //ShowChannel("Zapping OFF"); } ShowChannel(); break; /*case 49: // button 1 break;*/ default: // ID of button { //alert(Number(keyChar)); break; var k=Number(keyChar)-49; if(k>=0&&k<10&&CurrentChannelID!=k) { LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; CurrentChannelID=k; Play(); } break; } } } function RefreshEPG() { RefreshXML(); ShowChannel(); } function doSelect() { if (FullScreen) { if (Zapping) { Zapping=false; if (TimerZap) window.clearTimeout(timerZap); } else { if (LastChannelID!=CurrentChannelID) var temp=CurrentChannelID; CurrentChannelID=LastChannelID; LastChannelID=temp; Play(); } return true; } var vv=document.getElementById("vlcTable"); switch( { case "apropos": // ID of button { window.navigate("./apropos.htm"); break; } case "retour": // ID of button { window.external.MediaCenter.CloseApplication(); break; } case "fullscreen4": // ID of button { top=-marge; height=document.body.clientHeight+marge*2;;*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=4:3") { format=":aspect-ratio=4:3"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } case "Zoom": // ID of button {;*2; var h=document.body.clientWidth*3/4; if (h>document.body.clientHeight) top=-(h-document.body.clientHeight)/2-marge; else top=-marge; height=h+marge*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=4:3") { format=":aspect-ratio=4:3"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } case "fullscreen16": // ID of button {;*2; top=-marge; height=document.body.clientHeight+marge*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=16:9") { format=":aspect-ratio=16:9"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } case "Panoramique": // ID of button { var h=document.body.clientWidth*10/16;;*2; if (h>document.body.clientHeight) top=-(h-document.body.clientHeight)/2-marge; else top=-marge; height=h+marge*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=16:11") { format=":aspect-ratio=16:11"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } // .. and so on. Create a case for each button on the page. default: // ID of button { if (CurrentChannelID!=Number( { LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; CurrentChannelID=Number(; Play(); } break; } } } </script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: #F2F2F2} --> </style> </head> <body id="body" MCFocusStart="retour" onunload="pageunLoadFunctions()" onload="pageLoadFunctions()" onkeydown="onRemoteEvent(window.event.keyCode)"> <div id="Channel" style="z-index:9999; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;" name="Channel"> </div> <div id="Clock" style="position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 890px;" name="Clock"> </div> <div id="vlcTable" style="position: absolute; top: 450px; left: 10px;" name="vlcTable"> <OBJECT classid="clsid:E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8" codebase="" width="280" height="210" id="vlc" events="false"> <param name="MRL" value="" /> <param name="AutoLoop" value="0" /> <param name="AutoPlay" value="1" /> <param name="ExtentWidth" value="7408"> <param name="ExtentHeight" value="5556"> <param name="Visible" value="-1"> <param name="Volume" value="100"> </OBJECT></div> <!-- Start span used as stand-in for Shared Viewport --> <span style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%;"> <table style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="bottom" height="100%"> <span id="SVP" style="width: 308; height: 216; vertical-align: bottom" MCFocusable="true"></span> </td> </tr> </table> </span> <!-- End span used as stand-in for Shared Viewport --> <!-- Item counter at lower right. Displays only if button menu is scrollable --> <span id="itemCounterSpan" style="font: 17pt Arial; color: #f2f2f2; width: 617; Height: 42; text-align: right; display: block; position: absolute; top: 626; left: 350;"> <span id="counterNum">1</span>&nbsp;of&nbsp;<span id="counterTotal"></span> <span id="arrowUp" class="arrowUp" onclick = "pageUpDown('up')"></span> <span id="arrowDown" class="arrowDown" onclick = "pageUpDown('down')"></span> </span> <!-- End item counter at lower right --> <!-- Headline --> <span id="title" class="text1" style="position: absolute; top: 56; left: 355;"><b>FreeBox TV </b></span> <!-- Table for buttons at left --> <table id="listTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" style="position: absolute; top: 97; left: 10; width: 178px;"> <tr> <td><span id="retour" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">Retour</span></td> </tr><tr> <td><span id="apropos" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">A propos</span></td> </tr> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <tr><td><span id="fullscreen4" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">4:3</span></td></tr> <tr><td><span id="Panoramique" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">Panoramique</span></td></tr> <tr><td><span id="Zoom"class="button1" MCFocusable="true">Zoom</span></td></tr> <tr><td><span id="fullscreen16" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">16:9</span></td></tr> </table> <!-- End table for buttons at left --> <span id="scrollspan" MCScrollable="true" style="position: relative; top: 100; left: 300; width: 800; height: 510; overflow: hidden"> <!-- Do not set table's position to absolute, or scrolling will not work --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <script> ReadXML(); var html=''; for (var i=0; i<oNodesLIST.length; i++) { html+='<tr><td><img src=icon/'; html+= oNodesLIST.item(i).selectNodes("img").item(0).text; html+=' width=62 height=48 hspace=10 vspace=0 align=absmiddle></td><td><span id='; html+=200+i; html+=' class=button2 style="width:607; padding-top: 2" MCFocusable=true>'; html+=PrintInfo(oNodesLIST.item(i).selectNodes("name").item(0).text); html+='</span></td></tr>'; } document.write (html); timerXML=window.setTimeout("RefreshXML();", RefreshXMLInterval*1000); </script> </table> <SPAN class=text1><br> </SPAN> </span> </body> </html>
please help

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 363
Joined: 04 Jan 2006 10:03
Location: Binghamton, NY, USA

Postby tonsofpcs » 11 Mar 2006 00:52

I'm wondering why you're using a webpage to do this, but in any event, it should be inserted as a member of the 'options' array

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 5
Joined: 10 Mar 2006 16:32

Postby neor » 11 Mar 2006 09:28

i have change transcode but vlc doesn't want to run perfectly on 360 :(

i need to use vlc streaming no activex :(


Re: transcode for xbox360

Postby Guest » 03 Jul 2006 16:01

I have an MCE with french TV freemultipost and i want to transcode video to see it on my 360
but i can't found where i put the transcode line :(

Code: Select all

<html> <head> <title>MCE Freebox</title> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="./Main.css"> <script src="./BasicFunctions.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="./Scrolling.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="./MoveFocus.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="JScript"> var RefreshXMLInterval=5*60; //in second var ZapInterval=10; // in sec var InfoBarDelay=8; var format=":aspect-ratio=4:3"; var FullScreen=false; var CurrentChannelID=0; var LastChannelID=2; var top; var height; var oXmlData2 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0"); var oXmlData = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0"); var oNodesEPG; var oNodesLIST; var marge=0; var vv=document.getElementById("vlcTable"); var timer=false; var timerXML=false; var timerZap=false; var Zapping=false; oXmlData2.async = false; oXmlData.async = false; oXmlData.load("list.xml"); oNodesLIST = oXmlData.selectNodes("/channels/channel"); if (oXmlData.parseError.errorCode != 0) alert('Erreur liste chaine'); function ReadXML() { oXmlData2.load(""); oNodesEPG = oXmlData2.selectNodes("/audience15/channel"); if (oXmlData2.parseError.errorCode != 0) alert('Erreur Audience Free'); } function GetVal(Elem) { if (Elem) return Elem.text; else return ''; } </script> <script language="JScript" id="clientEventHandlersJS"> function pageunLoadFunctions() { setBGColor("#0E4C97"); //window.external.MediaCenter.DirectXExclusive = true; } function pageLoadFunctions() { setBGColor("#0E4C97"); //window.external.MediaCenter.DirectXExclusive = false; checkSVP(); setCounter(); setArray(); startFocus(); Clock(); Play();; } function RefreshXML() { if (timerXML) window.clearTimeout(timerXML); ReadXML(); for (var i=0; i<oNodesLIST.length; i++) document.getElementById(i+200).innerHTML=PrintInfo(oNodesLIST.item(i).selectNodes("name").item(0).text); timerXML=window.setTimeout("RefreshXML();", RefreshXMLInterval*1000); // } function Play() { oCurFocus = document.getElementById(''+(CurrentChannelID+200)); oCurFocus.focus(); /*if (CurrentChannelID==8) // NRJ12 format=":aspect-ratio=16:9";*/ var options = new Array(":input-repeat=0"); var targetURL = "rtsp://" + oNodesLIST.item(CurrentChannelID).selectNodes("id").item(0).text document.vlc.addTarget(targetURL, options, 4+8, -666); if (FullScreen) ShowChannel(); } function ShowChannel(Text) { if (timer) window.clearTimeout(timer); if (FullScreen) { var vlcTable=document.getElementById("vlcTable"); var vlc=document.getElementById("vlc");; } var chan=document.getElementById('Channel');'visible';; //; //; var now = new Date(); var html; html='<center><table><tr><td width=70 height=51><img src="icon/'; html+=oNodesLIST.item(CurrentChannelID).selectNodes("img").item(0).text; html+='" width=62 height=48 hspace=10 vspace=0 align=absmiddle></td><td style=" FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 20pt; font-family: arial; padding-left: 10; color: #f2f2f2; padding-top: 2">'; html+=PrintInfo(oNodesLIST.item(CurrentChannelID).selectNodes("name").item(0).text); html+='</td><td style=" FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 28pt; font-family: arial; padding-left: 10; color: #f2f2f2; padding-top: 2">'; var m=now.getMinutes(); if (m<10) m='0'+m; html+='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+now.getHours()+':'+m; if (Text) html+='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'+Text; if (Zapping) html+='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=remote.gif>'; html+='</td></tr></table></center>'; chan.innerHTML=html; timer=window.setTimeout("HideChannel();", InfoBarDelay*1000); } function HideChannel() { document.getElementById('Channel').style.visibility='hidden'; if (FullScreen) document.getElementById('vlc').style.height=height; timer=false; } function Clock() { // refresh the xml data ... var now = new Date(); var html; html='<font style=" FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 28pt; font-family: arial; color: #f2f2f2;">'; var m=now.getMinutes(); if (m<10) m='0'+m; html+=''+now.getHours()+':'+m; html+='<font>'; document.getElementById('Clock').innerHTML=html; window.setTimeout("Clock();", 60*1000); } function PrintInfo(Name) { var buffer=''; for (var i=0; i<oNodesEPG.length; i++) { if (Name==oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("name").item(0).text) { buffer=''; buffer+='<font style="font-size=22px"><b><nobr>'; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_title").item(0)); buffer+='</nobr></font><br>'; buffer+='<font style="font-size=16px">'; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_start").item(0)); buffer+=' - '; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_end").item(0)); buffer+=' '; buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("epg_type").item(0)); //buffer+=' <b>'; //buffer+=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("rank").item(0)); //buffer+='/15</b>'; buffer+=' &nbsp;</font>'; rank=GetVal(oNodesEPG.item(i).selectNodes("rank").item(0)); if (rank!="") { r=Number(rank); if (r<6) { r=6-r; for (;r>0;r--) buffer+='<img align=absmiddle src=etoile.gif>'; } } break; } } if (buffer=='') buffer=Name; return buffer; } function Zap() { if (Zapping==false) return 0; LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; if (CurrentChannelID<oNodesLIST.length-1) CurrentChannelID++; else CurrentChannelID=0; Play(); window.setTimeout("Zap();", ZapInterval*1000); } function doKeyDown(keyChar) { //alert(keyChar); switch(keyChar) { case 8:// Keyboard Backspace selected case 166:// Remote Control Back button if (FullScreen) { FullScreen=false; var vv=document.getElementById("vlcTable");;;;; Zapping=false; if (TimerZap) window.clearTimeout(timerZap); } else { window.external.MediaCenter.CloseApplication(); } break; case 33: // Channel+ case 176: LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; if (CurrentChannelID<oNodesLIST.length-1) CurrentChannelID++; else CurrentChannelID=0; Play(); break; case 34: // Channel- case 177: LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; if (CurrentChannelID>0) CurrentChannelID--; else CurrentChannelID=oNodesLIST.length-1 Play(); break; case 250: // play Play(); //window.external.MediaCenter.CustomViewPort.focus(); break; case 178: // stop document.vlc.stop(); break; case -100: // info if (FullScreen) { //RefreshXML(); ShowChannel(); } else window.navigate("./apropos.htm"); break; case 51: //# if (timer) HideChannel(); else { ShowChannel('Loading EPG...'); window.setTimeout("RefreshEPG();", 100); //RefreshXML(); //ShowChannel(); } break; case 56: // etoile Zapping=!Zapping; if (Zapping) { window.setTimeout("Zap();", ZapInterval*1000); //ShowChannel("Zapping ON"); } else { window.clearTimeout(timerZap); //ShowChannel("Zapping OFF"); } ShowChannel(); break; /*case 49: // button 1 break;*/ default: // ID of button { //alert(Number(keyChar)); break; var k=Number(keyChar)-49; if(k>=0&&k<10&&CurrentChannelID!=k) { LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; CurrentChannelID=k; Play(); } break; } } } function RefreshEPG() { RefreshXML(); ShowChannel(); } function doSelect() { if (FullScreen) { if (Zapping) { Zapping=false; if (TimerZap) window.clearTimeout(timerZap); } else { if (LastChannelID!=CurrentChannelID) var temp=CurrentChannelID; CurrentChannelID=LastChannelID; LastChannelID=temp; Play(); } return true; } var vv=document.getElementById("vlcTable"); switch( { case "apropos": // ID of button { window.navigate("./apropos.htm"); break; } case "retour": // ID of button { window.external.MediaCenter.CloseApplication(); break; } case "fullscreen4": // ID of button { top=-marge; height=document.body.clientHeight+marge*2;;*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=4:3") { format=":aspect-ratio=4:3"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } case "Zoom": // ID of button {;*2; var h=document.body.clientWidth*3/4; if (h>document.body.clientHeight) top=-(h-document.body.clientHeight)/2-marge; else top=-marge; height=h+marge*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=4:3") { format=":aspect-ratio=4:3"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } case "fullscreen16": // ID of button {;*2; top=-marge; height=document.body.clientHeight+marge*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=16:9") { format=":aspect-ratio=16:9"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } case "Panoramique": // ID of button { var h=document.body.clientWidth*10/16;;*2; if (h>document.body.clientHeight) top=-(h-document.body.clientHeight)/2-marge; else top=-marge; height=h+marge*2;;; FullScreen=true; if (format!=":aspect-ratio=16:11") { format=":aspect-ratio=16:11"; Play(); } ShowChannel(); break; } // .. and so on. Create a case for each button on the page. default: // ID of button { if (CurrentChannelID!=Number( { LastChannelID=CurrentChannelID; CurrentChannelID=Number(; Play(); } break; } } } </script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: #F2F2F2} --> </style> </head> <body id="body" MCFocusStart="retour" onunload="pageunLoadFunctions()" onload="pageLoadFunctions()" onkeydown="onRemoteEvent(window.event.keyCode)"> <div id="Channel" style="z-index:9999; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;" name="Channel"> </div> <div id="Clock" style="position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 890px;" name="Clock"> </div> <div id="vlcTable" style="position: absolute; top: 450px; left: 10px;" name="vlcTable"> <OBJECT classid="clsid:E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8" codebase="" width="280" height="210" id="vlc" events="false"> <param name="MRL" value="" /> <param name="AutoLoop" value="0" /> <param name="AutoPlay" value="1" /> <param name="ExtentWidth" value="7408"> <param name="ExtentHeight" value="5556"> <param name="Visible" value="-1"> <param name="Volume" value="100"> </OBJECT></div> <!-- Start span used as stand-in for Shared Viewport --> <span style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%;"> <table style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="bottom" height="100%"> <span id="SVP" style="width: 308; height: 216; vertical-align: bottom" MCFocusable="true"></span> </td> </tr> </table> </span> <!-- End span used as stand-in for Shared Viewport --> <!-- Item counter at lower right. Displays only if button menu is scrollable --> <span id="itemCounterSpan" style="font: 17pt Arial; color: #f2f2f2; width: 617; Height: 42; text-align: right; display: block; position: absolute; top: 626; left: 350;"> <span id="counterNum">1</span>&nbsp;of&nbsp;<span id="counterTotal"></span> <span id="arrowUp" class="arrowUp" onclick = "pageUpDown('up')"></span> <span id="arrowDown" class="arrowDown" onclick = "pageUpDown('down')"></span> </span> <!-- End item counter at lower right --> <!-- Headline --> <span id="title" class="text1" style="position: absolute; top: 56; left: 355;"><b>FreeBox TV </b></span> <!-- Table for buttons at left --> <table id="listTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" style="position: absolute; top: 97; left: 10; width: 178px;"> <tr> <td><span id="retour" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">Retour</span></td> </tr><tr> <td><span id="apropos" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">A propos</span></td> </tr> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <tr><td><span id="fullscreen4" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">4:3</span></td></tr> <tr><td><span id="Panoramique" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">Panoramique</span></td></tr> <tr><td><span id="Zoom"class="button1" MCFocusable="true">Zoom</span></td></tr> <tr><td><span id="fullscreen16" class="button1" MCFocusable="true">16:9</span></td></tr> </table> <!-- End table for buttons at left --> <span id="scrollspan" MCScrollable="true" style="position: relative; top: 100; left: 300; width: 800; height: 510; overflow: hidden"> <!-- Do not set table's position to absolute, or scrolling will not work --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <script> ReadXML(); var html=''; for (var i=0; i<oNodesLIST.length; i++) { html+='<tr><td><img src=icon/'; html+= oNodesLIST.item(i).selectNodes("img").item(0).text; html+=' width=62 height=48 hspace=10 vspace=0 align=absmiddle></td><td><span id='; html+=200+i; html+=' class=button2 style="width:607; padding-top: 2" MCFocusable=true>'; html+=PrintInfo(oNodesLIST.item(i).selectNodes("name").item(0).text); html+='</span></td></tr>'; } document.write (html); timerXML=window.setTimeout("RefreshXML();", RefreshXMLInterval*1000); </script> </table> <SPAN class=text1><br> </SPAN> </span> </body> </html>
please help


Postby Guest » 17 Aug 2006 12:58

RUNTiME have release the "Transcode 360" source code under GPL, could be ported to VLC for streaming to Xbox360?

Also checkout /mceDivX360 for reference:

Both T360 and mceDivX360 source code is coded in C# .NET as most MCE plugins

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