New OS X Icons?

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 24 Mar 2004 06:51

New OS X Icons?

Postby asan102 » 24 Mar 2004 07:00

In the more recent VLC versions for OS X, the icon has changed form the simple traffic cone to a traffic cone inside of an aqua film-frame. IMO this is a pretty ugly icon, but it's not a huge problem – i just have to remember to change it back every time I upgrade.

However, I've noticed that the file icons for VLC have changed as well, and I must ask – why? They new ones seem very sloppily made, I don't see why anyone would prefer them over the old ones. The old ones also followed the Aqua Interface Guidelines to the tee, and looked quite nice. These new ones look like some bastardised Microsoft Paint creation.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, the old ones ha the nice clean VLC pylon on a document with the file format extension written underneath in grey letters. The new ones the old cone and a redbackground (with poor masking) and a black thin line drawn around it, with 'VLC Media Player' writ in a pixellated font above.

I understand that the graphics are not the most important part of your project by any means, but the new GUI is doing such a good job at looking good in the Mac OS, why the switch to these ugly icons?

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