Choppy Video playing DVDs with DVD (menus)

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Choppy Video playing DVDs with DVD (menus)

Postby N30xZ3R0 » 04 Mar 2006 23:35

Whenever I try to play a DVD with VLC player using the DVD (menus) option, the playback is very choppy. However, if I play it with DVD (simple), it plays fine. I'd really prefer to use the Menu option, if I could.

System Information:

Windows XP SP2, latest patches
Pentium 4 2.4 GHz, overclocked to 2.5 GHz
1.5 GB RAM

Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 w/ 256 MB RAM
Latest Nvidia Video Driver, installed right before posting.

Asus P4P800 SE Motherboard, I'm using the integrated SoundMax card.
SoundMax Digital Audio Driver v5.12.01.3630

If there is any other hardware spec I missed that'd be helpful, let me know.

I'm using the latest VLC, 0.8.4a. I got this from the View... Messages window as I played the DVD with DVD (menus):

main warning: late picture skipped (18125)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (62817)
main warning: late picture skipped (14654)
main warning: audio drift is too big (168976), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (136976), dropping buffer
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (50810)
main warning: audio drift is too big (149682), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (-12667)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (68013)
main warning: late picture skipped (28393)
main warning: audio drift is too big (178257), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (146257), dropping buffer
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (63781)
main warning: audio drift is too big (170830), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (138830), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (6989)
main warning: late picture skipped (-18452)
main debug: decoded 104/108 pictures
main warning: late picture skipped (6611)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (63941)
main warning: audio drift is too big (162563), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (130563), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (857)
main warning: late picture skipped (21146)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40916)
main warning: audio drift is too big (132562), dropping buffer
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (41547)
main warning: late picture skipped (49019)
main warning: late picture skipped (15673)
main warning: audio drift is too big (140505), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (11707)
main warning: late picture skipped (-21646)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40571)
main warning: late picture skipped (18380)
main warning: late picture skipped (-14969)
main warning: audio drift is too big (144180), dropping buffer
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (41523)
main warning: late picture skipped (34615)
main warning: late picture skipped (3858)
main warning: audio drift is too big (149036), dropping buffer
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (42628)
main warning: late picture skipped (57278)
main warning: late picture skipped (23922)
main warning: audio drift is too big (154414), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (122414), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (8930)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (71392)
main warning: late picture skipped (-4369)
main warning: audio drift is too big (151181), dropping buffer
main debug: decoded 105/108 pictures
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (41041)
main warning: late picture skipped (37805)
main warning: late picture skipped (4456)
main warning: audio drift is too big (154910), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (122910), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (161)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (59299)
main warning: late picture skipped (66935)
main warning: late picture skipped (33581)
main warning: late picture skipped (484)
main warning: audio drift is too big (144751), dropping buffer
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (84658)
main warning: late picture skipped (70474)
main warning: late picture skipped (37117)
main warning: audio drift is too big (191763), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (159763), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (127763), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (41511)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (63186)
main warning: audio drift is too big (152095), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (67077)
main warning: late picture skipped (39078)
main warning: late picture skipped (5885)
main warning: late picture skipped (1990)
main warning: audio drift is too big (120095), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (15084)
main warning: late picture skipped (19751)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (69664)
main warning: audio drift is too big (145113), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (9554)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (67375)
main warning: late picture skipped (17523)
main warning: audio drift is too big (168342), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (136342), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (28095)
main debug: decoded 101/108 pictures
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (80884)
main warning: late picture skipped (22897)
main warning: audio drift is too big (171247), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (139247), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (-5359)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (78039)
main warning: late picture skipped (61000)
main warning: late picture skipped (27652)
main warning: audio drift is too big (170015), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (138015), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (17806)
main warning: late picture skipped (-15548)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (62880)
main warning: late picture skipped (21047)
main warning: late picture skipped (41314)
main warning: audio drift is too big (162957), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (130957), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (39295)
main warning: late picture skipped (5943)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (42395)
main warning: audio drift is too big (137352), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (77980)
main warning: late picture skipped (44632)
main warning: late picture skipped (11274)
main warning: late picture skipped (29431)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (66818)
main warning: audio drift is too big (164025), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (132025), dropping buffer
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (42557)
main warning: late picture skipped (86963)
main warning: late picture skipped (55602)
main warning: late picture skipped (22244)
main warning: audio drift is too big (141207), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (19891)
main warning: late picture skipped (23000)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (80623)
main warning: late picture skipped (12044)
main warning: audio drift is too big (181455), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (149455), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (9976)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (75443)
main warning: late picture skipped (55163)
main warning: late picture skipped (21817)
main warning: late picture skipped (-11542)
main warning: audio drift is too big (185064), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (153064), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (121064), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (-17417)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (61641)
main warning: late picture skipped (61628)
main warning: late picture skipped (28282)
main warning: late picture skipped (-5076)
main warning: audio drift is too big (144184), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (-11181)
main debug: decoded 96/108 pictures
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (70882)
main warning: audio drift is too big (174962), dropping buffer
main warning: late picture skipped (77331)
main warning: late picture skipped (43979)
main warning: late picture skipped (10621)
main debug: closing input
main debug: thread times: real 0m37.453125s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 3632 joined (dvdnav.c:352)
main debug: unlocking module "libmpeg2"
main debug: thread times: real 0m22.203125s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.593750s
main debug: thread 4292 joined (src/input/decoder.c:191)
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `mpgv', 145 PES in FIFO
main debug: unlocking module "a52"
main debug: thread times: real 0m22.125000s, kernel 0m0.015625s, user 0m0.265625s
main debug: thread 4208 joined (src/input/decoder.c:191)
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52 ', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: unlocking module "a52tofloat32"
main debug: unlocking module "bandlimited_resampler"
aout_directx debug: CloseAudio
aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread exiting
main debug: thread times: real 0m22.234375s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 3812 joined (directx.c:600)
main debug: unlocking module "aout_directx"
main debug: unlocking module "float32tos16"
main debug: unlocking module "trivial_mixer"
main debug: looking for decoder module: 26 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "a52"
main debug: thread 3640 (decoder) created at priority 2 (src/input/decoder.c:159)
main debug: unlocking module "a52"
main debug: thread times: real 0m0.000000s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 3640 joined (src/input/decoder.c:191)
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52 ', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
main debug: unlocking module "dvdnav"
main debug: thread times: real 0m42.296875s, kernel 0m0.093750s, user 0m0.031250s
main debug: thread 3592 joined (src/input/input.c:386)
main debug: garbage collector destroying 1 vout
main debug: unlocking module "blend"
main debug: unlocking module "freetype"
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseSurface
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDisplay
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDisplay clipper
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDisplay display
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDDraw
vout_directx debug: CloseVideo
vout_directx debug: DirectXEventThread terminating
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseWindow
vout_directx debug: WinProc WM_DESTROY
main debug: thread times: real 0m37.093750s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 3800 joined (directx.c:463)
main debug: unlocking module "vout_directx"
main debug: thread times: real 0m36.703125s, kernel 0m0.312500s, user 0m0.171875s
main debug: thread 4300 joined (src/video_output/video_output.c:456)

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Postby DJ » 05 Mar 2006 00:08

I will admit your problem is rather odd and I don't believe that this has come up with another user. Even though I remember answering one similar to this just this morning, it seems to have disappeared. :roll:

It does appear to be a timing issue revolving around your sound card. All Digital video is sync to audio when the audio buffers are having problems nothing works right. From the look of what you have provided, your machine should not be having problems.

But there are 2 things I would suggest:

1. If you have XP SP2 try looking for sound card driver updates.

2. Stop overclocking to see if this resolves the problem.

You could try shutting down DirectX for your sound card. Preferences, Audio Output modules and from the pull down select "win32 waveOutput extensions output" then press "Save" and close VLC. This will force VLC to use the older method to access your sound card. However, I have a feeling this won't make a difference.


New Cone
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Postby N30xZ3R0 » 05 Mar 2006 01:05

Nope, nothing doing. I got the latest sound drivers available for my motherboard, I canceled the overclocking on both the video card AND the processor, and no dice. Safe to say, VLC just doesn't like my sound situation. I'm gonna try to get a "$20 special" sound card or something to test it out.

Thanks for the input, though.

I was just wondering though, why would it give me trouble only when the menus are active? When it plays through the simple mode, just playing all the video at once, it works fine...

"S**t Happens" is quite an acceptable answer, if no one knows.

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Postby DJ » 05 Mar 2006 01:21

Well, before you go spend your buck :lol: You might check out ReClock on the web and read what the author has to say.

I'm not quit sure why your problem is manfest only with menus, you could look at Messages while playing the DVD (simple) to see if the error rate is still high. I would suspect it is.



DVD (simple) fine, DVD (menus) poor

Postby Jonathyn » 09 Mar 2006 00:35

I am having a very similar problem. While playing DVDs in MENU mode the audio is all messed up and keeps returning the "audio drift too big" error. In SIMPLE mode, everything is okay.

I have just rebuilt this machine, so I am sure the drivers are all good.

Any advice?

My system:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800
ASRock 939 Dual SATA II
Windows 2000

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Re: DVD (simple) fine, DVD (menus) poor

Postby DJ » 09 Mar 2006 02:51

I am having a very similar problem. While playing DVDs in MENU mode the audio is all messed up and keeps returning the "audio drift too big" error. In SIMPLE mode, everything is okay.

I have just rebuilt this machine, so I am sure the drivers are all good.

Any advice?

My system:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800
ASRock 939 Dual SATA II
Windows 2000
I would start by erasing the preferences directory if you haven't already done so. C:\Documents and Settings\Owner (this is you)\Application Data\VLC Erase VLC, Application Data is a hidden directory so you will need to make it visible.

If the driver dates are later than SP2 it probably isn't drivers. There are only 2 things I can think of:

1. Toggle the float32 function in Preferences, Audio, Output modules, DirectX then Save and close the player. Reopen the player and try calling the DVD from within the player. Some audio cards do not support this function.

2. Shut down DirectX in Preferences, Audio, Output modules select "Win32 waveOutput extensions output" from the pull down menu then press "Save" and close the player. When having problems it it's always best to call disks or files from within the player to rule out a possible Windows Interface problem.



Postby Jonathyn » 10 Mar 2006 02:37

Thanks for the advice DJ,

I had tried all these things following my search through other threads. I tried them all again, just to be sure, but it does not help.

It seems odd to me that the problem occurs under DVD (menus) and not under DVD (simple). Don't you agree?



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Postby dionoea » 10 Mar 2006 02:42

This is in fact a problem which i have already noticed. We'll have to fix it before we do the next release. (The difference is due to the fact that both methods don't use the same library to access the DVD)
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby DJ » 10 Mar 2006 03:16

This is in fact a problem which i have already noticed. We'll have to fix it before we do the next release. (The difference is due to the fact that both methods don't use the same library to access the DVD)
You have me very puzzled on this one! Since reading your post I have tried a half dozen DVDs running them both ways and can see no difference between them (simple & menu) and messages also show nothing. Is this something recent or is this still a hardware problem. Where on some systems simple is showing better stability due to the choice of library or access module???

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Postby DJ » 10 Mar 2006 04:15

I have been reminded by two users here recently that the setting in Preferences, Video under General video settings to "Skip frames" is the default however, unchecking the box has shown more stability overall, with fewer errors in Messages and the Video is a bit smoother.

I have had this turned off in several versions now and keep forgetting the default setting.

Hope this is helpful

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RE: Choppy Video playing DVDs with DVD (menus)

Postby fjordaan » 12 Mar 2006 22:54

I have the exactly the same problem as N30xZ3R0 and Jonathyn. For some time I've experienced choppy audio when playing DVDs using VLC. (When the computer -- a 1-year old WinXP 3MHz Acer TravelMate -- was new it worked fine. The problem only started later, leading me to consider rebuilding it.)

After looking at this thread, I learnt how to view Messages in VLC, and indeed, I'm seeing the same "audio drift is too big" messages.

Like with N30xZ3R0, the problem goes away when using DVDsimple, but of course this isn't ideal. I also tried Media Player Classic (with the RealAlternative codec pack) and this also works fine, so I thought I might start using this instead of VLC.

However, I tried DJ's advice and turned off the "Skip frames" setting, and so far it seems to be working!

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Correction to my previous post

Postby fjordaan » 14 Mar 2006 22:45

Correction: Turning off "Skip frames" in the preferences does NOT make a significant difference to the audio skipping. I've reverted to playing DVDs using Media Player Classic.


Postby Sander » 03 May 2006 21:06

This is in fact a problem which i have already noticed. We'll have to fix it before we do the next release. (The difference is due to the fact that both methods don't use the same library to access the DVD)
Is there a trac ticket for this or some other way to track when this will happen? (I tried searching, but I'm used to bugzilla's finegrained control, so didn't find anything.)


Postby Sander » 03 May 2006 22:56

For the benefit of future searchers: I fixed this by enabling DMA on the DVD drive controller - details here.

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Postby DJ » 04 May 2006 21:05

While the DMA option will help Win 98x -- ME users. XP users will probably need to update their sound drivers as all digital video is follow audio for sync. Jerky or jittery video is generally sound card related.


Postby Sander » 04 May 2006 23:49

well, I don't know about XP, but I'm on 2000, and it helped there as well (so I'd _assume_ the same to hold for XP, given how little XP diverged backend wise)

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Postby DJ » 05 May 2006 00:28

In Windows 98x -- Me, the default for DMA was off. I don't know about Win 2k as I don't remember. All vendors of DVD players recommended turning this DMA function on. In Win XP the option does not exist nor does the problem so I have always assumed it was turned on.

Hope this clarifies my earlier statement! :P



Postby Guest » 22 May 2006 23:59

this problem occurs under linux because of a wrong audio server selection.
under windows i had once an similar problem. vlc was also writing to the wrong device!

--> look up the preferences

good night

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Choppy Playback

Postby Rakembuzz » 11 Feb 2007 21:05

Has everyone given up on this issue? I cannot play DVD's with menus and it's not worth my time to always hunt through all the titles to find the chapter I want. The only reason I want to use this software is because it has 5.1 playback and you have to buy premium versions of the mainstream software to have 5.1 If this hasn't been fixed, I'll just uninstall VLC and go buy PowerDVD.

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Postby DJ » 12 Feb 2007 00:35

The DMA issue in Windows is very real and you are posting to a very old thread.

Try looking at this: contains some useful info...

Also noticed that the original post was over clocking and this can screw up timing for media files.

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