I desparately need help to build mozilla plugin.
I am building using cygwin. I have followed the procedure posted on videolan developer page.
In my case, the "make" fails with linking error (libebml and libmatroska). Then, I downloaded both of them and built the .dll files and put under /usr/win32/lib. After that make runs fine and generates vlc.exe and also all plugins.
When I run vlc.exe, it says it does not fine libebml.dll, libmatroska.dll, and cygwin1.dll. If I copy those files in the dir that has vlc.exe, the player runs fine. Every time I close the player, I get a memory read error.
The newly built plugin (both mozilla and activex) does not work. The browsers hangs when I try to test the plugin. FYI, the downloaded plugins are working fine with my test files.
Could you please tell me what should I do to fix the problem?
Many thanks for your time.