Same as this thread:
I also have the audio-stuttering-problem when resuming after longer pauses.
I tried:
1. Output module: Alsa
2. Disable Time-Stretching audio
3. Renaming libspatialaudio_plugin.dll
Nothing works! :-/
I use VLC Version 3.0.20 on Kubuntu 24.04.
Can anyone help please?! ... This bug is really annoying.
I'm on Windows, so your mileage may vary, but what *finally* solved it for me was:
Changing File caching(ms) to 1000 from 300. Settings->advanced->Input/Codecs, scroll down to advanced in there and increase File caching. 1000 has worked for me without issues so I haven't had any need to try anything else. (500 might work, 750 might work... but since I don't notice any delay or issues from 1000 I haven't bothered trying anything else.)
Give it a try, since it looks like you've tried the common recommended fixes.