Issues with VLC playing while in multi screen

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Issues with VLC playing while in multi screen

Postby Leyewho » 30 Nov 2023 04:43

The issue is this:

I have a W11 3 screens setup, whenever I am working I can have all 3 screens active, a VM in my main, Chrome in my 3rd and VLC in my 2nd, and it plays fine(and ofc I have other software in the background)

The issue comes when I want to play a videogame, I have the game in 4k in the 1st screen, VLC in the second, and nothing in the 3rd, and VLC is all choppy, the audio goes on fine but the image pixelates, stops, skips, etc. and I tested and if I have chrome with youtube(and we all know Chrome is a resource hog) any YT video(With 10+ tabs open) plays with no issue, so it is only VLC facing this and only when playing a videogame

I hope there is some config I can change because I am scratching my head at the moment

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