Here is a skin I started this morning. Almost nothing is done but I just wanted to show you the design.
Unlike the skin Navaga, it won't feature "colorthemes", so the skin will probably be light (approx. < 300 Kb)
TODO : (everything !)
- min max close and "prefs" buttons
- open button
- create other DOWN states for control buttons
- modify the fonts (the dot in the "title font", the digits in the "elapsed time" and "total time")
- create a circular volumebar
- the mute button in the center of the white circle
- playlist window
- video window
- PL and VI buttons
Download link :
http://rapidshare.de/files/11284494/ski ... 1.vlt.html
1- click on the FREE button
2- wait a few seconds
3- retype the 3 letters secret code
4- press START DOWNLOAD button
see ya.