VLC for iOS logs?

iOS, iPad, iPhone, tvOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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VLC for iOS logs?

Postby nico_ar » 13 Jan 2023 09:03

I have a problem playing video files from a remote media server (NAS Storage). on my iPhone. Pasting the shared link in VLC for mobile, version 3.3.12 (447) returns "Payback failed". The same shared link can be played on my Mac Book, VLC Version Vetinari (Intel 64 bit). I mention that the Mac Version, prior to play the file warns me it is about I am going to access an insecure site with no valid CA certification, but after accepting it, the file can be played. The mobile version doesn't warn me at all, it simply displays "Playback failed"
Can anyone tell me where could I find the VLC log on the iOS version of the App, or how could I troubleshoot this issue?

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Re: VLC for iOS logs?

Postby Dogo » 13 Jan 2023 10:09

Hello, thank you for your feedback!

In the Settings view, at the end of the settings list there is a "Lab" section where you can find an option you can enable in order to save the debug logs on the device you are currently using.

Then, go to the Files application, select the VLC folder, you can then find a folder called "Logs".
This is where the debug logs are saved.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 20 May 2021 08:34

Re: VLC for iOS logs? Log 1/2

Postby nico_ar » 13 Jan 2023 11:16

Thank you very much for answering me! I tried to add a log but the message contains too much characters, so I will split the log in two
Couls anybody help me with this CA Certificate issue? Thanks!
Log 1/2 follows:[DBG] VLC media player - 3.0.18 Vetinari
[DBG] Copyright © 1996-2022 the VideoLAN team
[DBG] revision 3.0.18-49-g6d05e51307
[DBG] configured with /Users/videolanci/builds/iHxegY-y/1/videolan/VLCKit/libvlc/vlc/configure '--prefix=/Users/videolanci/builds/iHxegY-y/1/videolan/VLCKit/libvlc/vlc/install-iPhoneOS/arm64' '--host=aarch64-apple-darwin' '--with-contrib=/Users/videolanci/builds/iHxegY-y/1/videolan/VLCKit/libvlc/vlc/contrib/iPhoneOS-aarch64-apple-darwin-aarch64' '--enable-static' '--enable-dvbpsi' '--enable-avcodec' '--disable-macosx' '--disable-macosx-qtkit' '--disable-macosx-avfoundation' '--disable-shared' '--enable-opus' '--disable-faad' '--disable-lua' '--disable-a52' '--enable-fribidi' '--disable-qt' '--disable-skins2' '--disable-vcd' '--disable-vlc' '--disable-vlm' '--disable-nls' '--disable-sse' '--disable-notify' '--enable-live555' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-swscale' '--disable-projectm' '--enable-libass' '--enable-libxml2' '--disable-goom' '--disable-dvdread' '--disable-dvdnav' '--disable-bluray' '--disable-linsys' '--disable-libva' '--disable-gme' '--disable-tremor' '--enable-vorbis' '--disable-fluidsynth' '--disable-jack' '--disable-pulse' '--disable-mtp' '--enable-ogg' '--enable-speex' '--enable-theora' '--enable-flac' '--disable-screen' '--enable-freetype' '--enable-taglib' '--enable-smb2' '--disable-mmx' '--disable-sparkle' '--disable-addonmanagermodules' '--disable-mad' 'host_alias=aarch64-apple-darwin' 'CC=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang' 'CFLAGS=-isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS15.4.sdk -mios-version-min=8.4 -arch arm64 -g -DNDEBUG' 'LDFLAGS=-arch arm64 -Wl,-ios_version_min,8.4' 'CPPFLAGS=-isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS15.4.sdk -mios-version-min=8.4 -arch arm64 -g' 'CXX=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang++' 'CXXFLAGS=-isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS15.4.sdk -mios-version-min=8.4 -arch arm64 -g' 'OBJC=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang' 'OBJCFLAGS=-isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS15.4.sdk -mios-version-min=8.4 -arch arm64 -g' 'CCAS=gas-preprocessor.pl /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang' 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH='
[DBG] restart requested (1)
[DBG] Creating an input for '01 Airplane - Horror 1980 Eng Rus Multi-Subs 1080p [H264-mp4] (en-ro).mkv'
[DBG] reusing audio output
[DBG] keeping audio output
[DBG] using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
[DBG] using default timeshift path
[DBG] `https://ddns_name.asuscomm.com:443/AICLOUD377665699/01%20Airplane%20-%20Horror%201980%20Eng%20Rus%20Multi-Subs%201080p%20%5bH264-mp4%5d%20(en-ro).mkv' gives access `https' demux `any' path `ddns_name.asuscomm.com:443/AICLOUD377665699/01%20Airplane%20-%20Horror%201980%20Eng%20Rus%20Multi-Subs%201080p%20%5bH264-mp4%5d%20(en-ro).mkv'
[DBG] creating demux: access='https' demux='any' location='ddns_name.asuscomm.com:443/AICLOUD377665699/01%20Airplane%20-%20Horror%201980%20Eng%20Rus%20Multi-Subs%201080p%20%5bH264-mp4%5d%20(en-ro).mkv' file='(null)'
[DBG] looking for access_demux module matching "https": 12 candidates
[DBG] no access_demux modules matched
[DBG] creating access: https://ddns_name.asuscomm.com:443/AICLOUD377665699/01%20Airplane%20-%20Horror%201980%20Eng%20Rus%20Multi-Subs%201080p%20%5bH264-mp4%5d%20(en-ro).mkv
[DBG] looking for access module matching "https": 66 candidates
[DBG] looking for keystore module matching "any": 6 candidates
[DBG] no keystore modules matched
[DBG] looking for tls client module matching "any": 3 candidates
[DBG] open st client
[DBG] using tls client module "securetransport"
[DBG] resolving ddns_name.asuscomm.com ...
[WARN] Ignoring ALPN request due to lack of support in the backend. Proxy behavior potentially undefined.
[DBG] open TLS session for ddns_name.asuscomm.com
[DBG] handshake is blocked, try again later
[DBG] SSLHandshake returned errSSLServerAuthCompleted, continuing handshake
[DBG] handshake is blocked, try again later
[WARN] cerfificate verification failed, result is 5
[ERR] TLS session handshake error
[DBG] close TLS session
[ERR] connection error: Resource temporarily unavailable
[ERR] HTTP connection failure

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 4
Joined: 20 May 2021 08:34

Re: VLC for iOS logs?Log 2/2

Postby nico_ar » 13 Jan 2023 11:17

DBG] close secure transport client
[DBG] looking for keystore module matching "any": 6 candidates
[DBG] no keystore modules matched
[DBG] looking for tls client module matching "any": 3 candidates
[DBG] open st client
[DBG] using tls client module "securetransport"
[DBG] resolving ddns_name.asuscomm.com ...
[WARN] Ignoring ALPN request due to lack of support in the backend. Proxy behavior potentially undefined.
[DBG] open TLS session for ddns_name.asuscomm.com
[DBG] handshake is blocked, try again later
[DBG] SSLHandshake returned errSSLServerAuthCompleted, continuing handshake
[DBG] handshake is blocked, try again later
[WARN] cerfificate verification failed, result is 5
[ERR] TLS session handshake error
[DBG] close TLS session
[ERR] connection error: Resource temporarily unavailable
[ERR] HTTP connection failure
[DBG] close secure transport client
[DBG] looking for keystore module matching "any": 6 candidates
[DBG] no keystore modules matched
[DBG] looking for tls client module matching "any": 3 candidates
[DBG] open st client
[DBG] using tls client module "securetransport"
[DBG] resolving ddns_name.asuscomm.com ...
[WARN] Ignoring ALPN request due to lack of support in the backend. Proxy behavior potentially undefined.
[DBG] open TLS session for ddns_name.asuscomm.com
[DBG] handshake is blocked, try again later
[DBG] SSLHandshake returned errSSLServerAuthCompleted, continuing handshake
[DBG] handshake is blocked, try again later
[WARN] cerfificate verification failed, result is 5
[ERR] TLS session handshake error
[DBG] close TLS session
[ERR] connection error: Resource temporarily unavailable
[ERR] HTTP connection failure
[DBG] close secure transport client
[DBG] no access modules matched
[ERR] Your input can't be opened
[ERR] VLC is unable to open the MRL 'https://ddns_name.asuscomm.com:443/AICLOUD377665699/01%20Airplane%20-%20Horror%201980%20Eng%20Rus%20Multi-Subs%201080p%20%5bH264-mp4%5d%20(en-ro).mkv'. Check the log for details.
[DBG] removing module "audiounit_ios"

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