Streaming from Mac to Windows...

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage

Streaming from Mac to Windows...

Postby AlexT1989 » 10 Mar 2004 22:38

I know this probly sounds stupid, but i just downloaded this..and how the heck to u stream....i want to stream a video from my mac osx machine to my win xp machine. I can't figure out how to do it. please help me...i looked through the site and couldnt find a FAQ on how to do that's why i'm asking here. If u could help me i would very much appreciate it. thanks a lot,

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 05 Mar 2004 03:16

Postby peabody » 11 Mar 2004 01:45

Here are some simple instructions. Bear in mind a firewall will prevent the streaming from working. You must disable any firewall you are using on your windows xp machine to see the stream.

1) on your mac computer, run VLC then go to File -> Streaming Wizard...
2) a dialog with three buttons will come up, click the first one that says open
3) in the next dialog, select the file you wish to stream and click ok
4) click the next button in the streaming wizard. In this dialog, check the box next to "udp" and type the ip address of your Windows xp computer in the address field and click okay
5) click "start" on the wizard to start the stream.

On the XP box

1) go to File -> Open Network Stream...
2) Select UDP and click okay

You should now see the clip being played by the mac computer.

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