Static Image Awful Quality

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Static Image Awful Quality

Postby JMYent » 13 Sep 2022 13:41

Hey guys, wondering if you could provide some assistance, for some reason VLC has awful quality for an MP4 I have made for test purposes, it is a single frame and 20 seconds long. The file is only 3mb big, however when accessing the stream on another device on the same LAN the quality is practically unusable, despsite around 3 hours now of me changing setttings in VLC.

here is an example of the quality of the stream:


Obviously, this is not a gigabyte file and is extremely small, does anyone know why the resolution is this awful? I have tried my best to enforce 1080p, but this doesn't seem to be a 1080p image, I can literally count the rows of pixels on the sofa & it looks like its around 240x400 resolution for some reason?

Back in the day I used to stream entire movies across a WAN to my friends, with much better quality than this - what the hell is going on here?

As you can see here, the codec is saying that it is at 1080 as well, I'm so confused with this!


For the first 2 - 3 seconds of the stream, the quality looks normal, but then quickly turns into the jumbled pixelated mess as above:


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Re: Static Image Awful Quality

Postby Lotesdelere » 14 Sep 2022 09:55

Please open Tools -> Messages (set Verbosity to 2) before you start the playback, and then paste the full resulting log here or on if it's too long.

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