Installation of VLC Media Player on lubuntu is not in PT-BR

Everything related to VLC media player translations: new translations, corrections, ...
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Installation of VLC Media Player on lubuntu is not in PT-BR

Postby mayconhvab » 06 Sep 2022 20:31

It's been almost 1 year since I formatted my notebook, I installed Lubuntu LTS, but on other lubuntus it also seems to be like this.
The translation for PT-BR (Brazilian Portuguese) is not in PT-BR. It is in English.
Can you add the translation to PT-BR?
I will be happy with the addition.
Remembering that the file added is by the current and official terminal of VLC Media Player, I didn't download any type of file itself, there it's for update and installation, (I downloaded by sudo apt command, in Linux Lubuntu on terminal).

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