VLC Chromecast. Audio, no Video

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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VLC Chromecast. Audio, no Video

Postby HZM » 21 Dec 2021 23:34

Not a VLC expert and have not used it in a while. According to the app I have the latest version.

I have four .mkv files, all of them apparently encoded the same way according to media information in VLC:
MPEG-H Part 2/HEVC (H.265) (.. | Not sure how to expand that to see what is inside the last parenthesis but it looks the same on all four files

A/52 B Audio (aka E-ac3) (eac3)

Now 3 of the 4 files play exactly as you'd expect once Renderer is changed to whatever Chromecast I am using. The 4th though...it just displays Default Media Receiver in the top left and the title of the track in the middle left below it. Audio plays fine. This file plays fine locally.

Any ideas on what is going on and whether or not this is fixable in my version of VLC?

Appreciate the help.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 21 Dec 2021 04:25

Re: VLC Chromecast. Audio, no Video

Postby HZM » 22 Dec 2021 23:49

FWIW I tried today from a Windows 10 PC with the latest VLC and its the same, 3 play fine, 1 does not.

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Joined: 20 Jun 2017 15:29
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Re: VLC Chromecast. Audio, no Video

Postby bubu? » 04 Jan 2022 10:14


Could you provide the said file that doens't work on both platforms?

Thank you.
Soomin Lee - bubu

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