W10 VLC App Issue *** SOLVED

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W10 VLC App Issue *** SOLVED

Postby beermati » 13 Oct 2021 02:48

Hi - I have had the VLC app installed on my W10 PC for a couple years, it's VLC for Windows (Universal) v3.2.1.0, then a few months ago I installed VLC Media Player to access some additional functions.

I use a javascript program that accesses VLC and it's only displaying the upper left quadrant of video, but the same video plays fine in the app when I run outside the javascript program. I've had other users test the video and their setup runs fine, indicating something is wrong with my VLC setup. The JS program is throwing these errors:

Code: Select all

2021-10-12T19:17:53,753 DEBUG WindowsRuntimeUtil - getVlcInstallDir() 2021-10-12T19:17:54,081 WARN WindowsRuntimeUtil - Failed to get VLC installation directory from the registry com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified.
I uninstalled VNC Media Player as I thought it might have created a conflict, but that didn't resolve anything.

I also reset the app settings, but that didn't help. There is no VLC directory in %APPDATA%.

Any suggestions are appreciated. I've searched the forum and online extensively with no luck.

EDIT: There was an issue with the install of my JS program. I discovered this by trying a reinstall and it solved the problem.

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