Firestick and SMB Authentication

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New Cone
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Firestick and SMB Authentication

Postby kyle_1974 » 10 Sep 2021 23:31


I’ve searched through all topics before posing the question here and none of the answers thus far seem exactly what I’m encountering so I hope it’s not a repeat.

I have an Amazon Firestick (two in fact) and my PC with music and video, running Linux Mint 19.3. I have set up my Samba share correctly and placed files in a folder called sambashare.

If I use my iPhone or iPad and VLC I can connect really easily and see the files and play them.

If I try via VLC and the firestick it takes me several goes of entering my samba password and username before it will play the file. Then when the programme has finished I have to do it all again to watch another. I’m sure it’s not the samba.conf file as when I’ve tried altering that it breaks other things and as I say, the iPad/iPhone seems fine, it’s just this firestick version of VLC that I am struggling with and it does eventually work, it’s just so frustrating I end up abandoning it and sitting in front of my PC. Could anybody help?

Thank you.

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