Tick Marks Below Time Bar

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Tick Marks Below Time Bar

Postby kingdm95 » 15 May 2021 15:01

Hi everyone,

On some videos there are these tick marks below the time bar that are I assume are "bookmarks" or "timestamps", but I am not sure.

I have tried searching for "bookmarks" and "tick marks" but those appear to be something else. "Marquee" seems like adding text to the screen? I am sorry for the confusion.

I have included a screenshot of an example of the "tick marks":


I was wondering if someone would be able to explain what these are, and how to add or remove them from videos/the time bar (if possible?).

Apologies for the confusion and thanks in advance.

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Re: Tick Marks Below Time Bar

Postby Lotesdelere » 16 May 2021 09:56

Those tick marks automatically appear when your file contains chapters.

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