Java is required for blu-ray menus even though I have AdoptOpenJDK installed

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Blank Cone
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Java is required for blu-ray menus even though I have AdoptOpenJDK installed

Postby vilapupu » 04 May 2021 01:38

So I seem to be having issues with playing back menus with java, even though I have the "Adopt OpenJDK" JRE and JDK program. I thought it was because it was an older version so I installed the latest version 16.

On VLC all that I get is "Java required:
This Blu-ray disc requires Java for menus support.Java was not found on your system.
The disc will be played without menus."

on the messages I see "libbluray error: BD-J menus not supported. Playing without menus. BD-J support: 1, JVM found: 0, JVM usable: 0"

I really don't know what to do rather than to uninstall both AdoptOpenJDK and install java from their official site. Is this a known issue? Thanks

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Java is required for blu-ray menus even though I have AdoptOpenJDK installed

Postby Hitchhiker » 04 May 2021 08:54

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