Novice - MKV x264 video playback issue

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New Cone
New Cone
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Novice - MKV x264 video playback issue

Postby XCrn1095 » 04 Apr 2021 21:58

Hi there,

I'm struggling against settings in VLC or my MacBook Pro (MacOS HS 10.13.6) to find the root cause of a playback issue of a mkv x264 film :roll: :?:
This issue does not occur on another MacBook Air (MacOS HS 10.13.6) where this specific film/file plays fine on VLC.
As I've reviewed and compared most of the VLC settings on both Mac and they appear to be the same, I believe the cause is not in the VLC settings on my MBP but is to find elsewhere, like x264 decoding and possible corrupted file(s).

Here is attached some screenshots showing up the trouble. ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing

Would you have any thoughts or action plan to share ?

Appreciate your help,

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Re: Novice - MKV x264 video playback issue

Postby fkuehne » 11 Apr 2021 18:44

Nice bug. Never seen before. Is this with VLC 3.0.12? Which MacBook Pro is this precisely? Does the file play OK if you disable hardware decoding in VLC's preferences?
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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