--clone-vout-list not working as expected - Open 2 OpenGL Windows

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--clone-vout-list not working as expected - Open 2 OpenGL Windows

Postby DanielK117 » 04 Apr 2021 19:48

Hi there,
i would like to play a video with VLC on 2 monitors simultaneously. In the command line help the following is described about cloning:
Clone video filter (clone)
Duplicate your video to multiple windows and/or video output modules
--clone-count=<integer> Number of clones
Number of video windows in which to clone the video.
--clone-vout-list=<string> Video output modules
You can use specific video output modules for the clones. Use a
comma-separated list of modules.
So, I tried the following command-line options:

Code: Select all

vlc.exe --video-splitter=clone --clone-count=2 S:\ExampleVideos\Performance_Test1080p60_ProRes422.mov
These arguments opened 2 separate "Direct3D Output" windows.
But they can't play my videos 100% smoothly.
After some googling I found out that this should work better with OpenGL.

Since OpenGL is also supported by VLC, I tried the following options:

Code: Select all

--video-splitter=clone --clone-vout-list=glwin32,glwin32 S:\ExampleVideos\Performance_Test1080p60_ProRes422.mov

Code: Select all

--video-splitter=clone --clone-count=2 --clone-vout-list=glwin32 S:\ExampleVideos\Performance_Test1080p60_ProRes422.mov
Now VLC was able to play my video smoothly, but only 1 output window would open at a time.

How can I achieve, that VLC opens 2 cloned OpenGL windows?

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