Is it possible to be done?

About usage, announcement and development of skins for VLC
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 12 Mar 2009 16:04

Is it possible to be done?

Postby mohamnag » 22 Feb 2021 15:37

I have been searching for the past 2 days with no obvious success. So I wanted to ask here if what I'm planning to do is possible.

What I want to do is to combine a Raspberry Pi, a DVD-Rom and VLC to make some custom Audio CD player. The thing is that as I'm using a pretty small display (320x480) I would like to autostart VLC in fullscreen mode and with some minimal buttons.
So far I made it to config and run VLC on startup and in fullscreen mode with native UI.

Now I want to do a very simple custom skin with just play/pause, next, previous buttons and best the album art (if found). But I'm not finding any way to manage the window in fullscreen mode using a skin. The native UI enters fullscreen just after start and occupies all the screen but as soon as any skin is activated it only starts in windowed mode, only entering fullscreen when a video is played.

Is this possible to make a skin that occupies fullscreen and shows 3 big buttons and the album art?

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