Losing sound when unpausing VLC

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Losing sound when unpausing VLC

Postby mastump317 » 22 Dec 2020 00:09

I've had this trouble on and off with more than one version of OSX.
Basically what happens it that I will start-and-stop during a video to take notes. And at some point when I try to restart again I lose the sound. The only way I can fix it is by completely restarting VLC, then manually finding the video I was playing,and manually going to the place I left off at.
I love VLC because the keyboard controls are sooo much easier than Quicktime, advancing forward or backward in 10 second intervals; they really allow me to skim through or speed up a slightly slow video. This convenience has made VLC my video player of choice for better than a decade.
Until now. I m Running OSX 10.11.6 and using VLC 3.0.10. I've searched the forums and can't find a solution, so I thought I'd post here and see if anyone else has had this problem.
Thanks in advance!

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 29 Dec 2020 21:44

Re: Losing sound when unpausing VLC

Postby cBrugge » 29 Dec 2020 21:48

Same here with OSX 10.13.6 and VLC 3.0.11.
Tried it with other file formats as wav or m4a. After pressing the Play/Pause button the timer in the player continues to run, but there is no sound. Player can only be terminated with forced quit. I hope there'll be a fix soon. Thank you!

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Joined: 02 Jul 2012 11:09

Re: Losing sound when unpausing VLC

Postby dfuhrmann » 04 Jan 2021 15:41

This should be fixed with VLC 3.0.12, which will be released in the next days.

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