OneDrive folder limit

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New Cone
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OneDrive folder limit

Postby MacduMela » 07 Dec 2020 14:00

Hi all.
I've got my music setup in OneDrive, in folders organised by artist. This creates a substantially long list of folders (and I'm not inclined to change this).
When I open OneDrive in VLC on my iPhone to download music into the app, only the first half of my list is displayed (200 folders, VLC tells me). I assume this means that this is the limit to the number of folders VLC can display (or the number OneDrive can provide to it) in one request? Is there any way to get to the rest of my folders, or to increase the amount that can be shown on the page?

If not, has anyone found a workaround for this that doesn't involve copying the files from OneDrive to another location (either within OneDrive or another hosting platform)?


New Cone
New Cone
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Re: OneDrive folder limit

Postby gregbluem » 23 Mar 2024 17:38

Wow - I have this issue too!

My goal is to find a good way to play my OneDrive music library via iphone (in car etc).

After trying other solutions, that got me know where, I tried VLC.

After signing in to my OneDrive account - was awesome to see my onedrive folder list - and be able to play music files.

But, it lists 287 of 487 folders.
These folders are by artists name - in this case, it starts with Janet Jackson (don't judge me).
Everything before Ms. Jackson in the alphabet isn't there.

What's up with this?
If I need to group the artist name folders, I will (i.e.: A-H, I-P, Q-Z).
But would be better if there was a setting or something I could change to see them all.


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