Extracting screenshots from DVB TS stream

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New Cone
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Extracting screenshots from DVB TS stream

Postby funa » 15 Nov 2020 12:09

I'm trying to extarct screenshots of a specific TV program from a captured DVB-T mpeg stream.
I'm using Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS and VLC media player 3.0.11.

I tried with this command line:

Code: Select all

cvlc capture.ts --program=1 --intf=dummy --vout=dummy --aout=dummy --no-audio --video-filter=scene --scene-format=png --scene-ratio=20 --scene-path=/home/pi --scene-prefix=pid_test -vv vlc://quit
but I got a lot of errors and no images.

This is the captured TS stream:

This is the console output:

Please suggest the right settings to extract screenshots of a specific program in the stream.

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Blank Cone
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Re: Extracting screenshots from DVB TS stream

Postby acffilterece » 01 Dec 2020 17:18

To my (admittedly limited) knowledge, you wouldn't want to use a video player to extract frames from a video stream. I suggest you use FFmpeg instead:

Code: Select all

mkdir frames; ffmpeg -i capture.ts frames/frame%05d.png
. This may not be the best way to go about this, but it should fit the purpose better.

New Cone
New Cone
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Operating System: Windows, Linux

Re: Extracting screenshots from DVB TS stream

Postby funa » 01 Dec 2020 18:15

Thank you!

This is exactly what I did and it works fine.
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