DVD title (movie name) lookup? (Using DVD Serial Number from libdvdnav?)

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Donny Bahama
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DVD title (movie name) lookup? (Using DVD Serial Number from libdvdnav?)

Postby Donny Bahama » 23 Sep 2020 21:40

I'm writing a bash script to auto-rip Blu-rays, DVDs, and CDs, doing a lookup based on the disc title as reported by libdvdnav in HandBrakeCLI. It works pretty well as long as it has something decent to start with (DVD Title: TOP_GUN, etc.) - it finds the movie on themoviedb.org and extracts not only the proper title, but also the release year. Problem is, many DVDs don't give it much to start with. Thelma & Louise, for example, says, "DVD Title: THELMA" - which isn't so bad since, when the script texts me a link to the media server's web page for renaming the movie, the link on that page takes me to https://www.themoviedb.org/search?query=thelma - and Thelma & Louise is the 2nd movie listed so I can see the release year and plug that in on the web page to rename the rip. BUT...

Some discs only provide "DVD Title: DVD_VIDEO" which is utterly useless. The thing is, every disc seems to give me a unique "DVD Serial Number". I've googled til my fingertips bled but I can't seem to find any sort of database, api, or lookup function where this "DVD Serial Number" can be used to find the movie title. Does anyone know of something? If there's truly nothing out there, I'll create one. If anyone wants to help, please let me know.

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