RTSP to web streaming problem

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RTSP to web streaming problem

Postby chupakabr » 14 Jul 2020 19:08

I'm trying to utilize RTSP feed from my cameras (realtime) but results are not quite applicable so far. The produced feed is slow to load in browser, sometimes does not load at all, loading spinner pops up periodically, and (main issue) timing of converted stream is behind (as per screenshot https://prnt.sc/thnz4j , note timing differs). Delay increases with time.

I've tried probably a few hundred combinations of parameters, few versions of VLC (at least revision 3.0.11-0-gdc0c5ced72 and 3.0.10-0-g7f145afa84), three different machines, "native" installation and running in docker, installation on clean debian, two cameras (some Zetpro and Hikvision), lower bitrate RTSP streams (also opening VLC RTSP shows without lag on same machine streaming runs), other output formats, Chrome and FF. To make sure that is not CPU-related issue I've tried on EC2 c5a.4xlarge instance with a similar result.

Here is my "most recent" command line:

Code: Select all

cvlc "rtsp://admin:123456@artemm.allbugs.info:554" -vvv --sout-keep --avcodec-hw=none --sout-mux-caching 0 --clock-jitter=0 --live-caching 0 --network-caching 0 --skip-frames --drop-late-frames --sout '#transcode{vcodec=VP80,scale=1,fps=10,vb=128,acodec=vorb,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:http{mux=webm,dst=:8080/v/f.webm}'
RTSP url should be online. Maybe someone will use it for testing and achive better results :) .
Part of parameters are (probably) irrelevant and I've run without them too, included here just to show that it was tried.

Here is output from ec2 (a bit different command line but behaves in a similar way):
https://gist.github.com/ArtemM/dd280b9 ... 7f4047a52c
and my local machine (running in docker):
https://gist.github.com/ArtemM/e43c62b9 ... 7ae4645e40

1. any ideas about the root cause of such behavior and how to fix it?
2. is there at least a way to instruct VLC/web player just to "skip problematic parts" so the video will not fall into the past?

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