Radio streams

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Radio streams

Postby vlcoolio » 10 Jun 2020 12:47


First of all thank you for VLC - it is a beautiful piece of software and amazing media player.

I have a question in regards to radio streams.

I am in Australia, but for past few weeks whenever I listen to Italian or French or American radio stations - my local government’s advertisement will be inserted into the radio stream.

Are these local advertisements a new feature of VLC and if they are, is there a way to disable them from playing?

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Re: Radio streams

Postby Lotesdelere » 10 Jun 2020 12:50

That doesn't come from VLC but from the radio stream itself.
We got the same "issue" here on some streams as the result of the new digital world of today: ads, ads, ads everywhere.

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Re: Radio streams

Postby vlcoolio » 10 Jun 2020 12:59

I am glad it is not from VLC, my favorite player.

Then I will say it is not a nice thing do to by my local government - they got TV and newspapers for the advertisements....

Thank you for clarification Lotesdelere :)

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