VLC is sometimes focused sometimes unfocused.

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 24 Mar 2015 01:00
VLC version: 2.0.0
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VLC is sometimes focused sometimes unfocused.

Postby SYLVERSECOND » 19 Apr 2020 17:21

This is a problem that persists since a couple of versions.
I thought this would be fixed but appeared first in the 3.0.0 version.

I play a song/movie / whatever. I pause it with the spacebar or mouse.
Everything works so far. I minimize the VLC window or keep it open and
browse for example something on the internet.
I return to VLC. I double, triple, quadruple check if I've selected VLC.
You know in Windows 10 when in the taskbar you select something and it
has a brighter color? That kind of selection. And I press space bar
and VLC doesn't recognize it. I press "N" or "P" to switch to another song.
Nothing. I have to do this by mouse since version 3.0.0.
Sometimes I can use my keyboard, sometimes I can't.
And it's only on VLC and I've experienced this on 2 Windows PCs.
It doesn't matter if it's Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1 or 10.
Experiencing issues?

De-install VLC (except when it's below 3.0), clean it with a cleaner tool of your choice
and install a 2.x.x version. This should fix your problem.

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 24 Mar 2015 01:00
VLC version: 2.0.0
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64Bit

Re: VLC is sometimes focused sometimes unfocused.

Postby SYLVERSECOND » 29 Apr 2020 15:50

Awesome. I fixed it by downgrading to 2.0.0.
It seems that a lot of stuff is fixed when you downgrade to a 2.x.x version.
Thanks. The thread can be closed now.
Experiencing issues?

De-install VLC (except when it's below 3.0), clean it with a cleaner tool of your choice
and install a 2.x.x version. This should fix your problem.

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