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I am a dummy

Postby TexArk » 17 Feb 2020 19:01

So this is a really basic question. I have thumbnails to playlists on my desktop. I want to add some more MP4 files to my playlists. How can I do that?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: I am a dummy

Postby #thweiss » 18 Feb 2020 08:07

- https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Playlist/

Open your Playlist in the VLC-Player and add the new *.mp4-File in the VLC-Player.
Menu / Media / Open File... and select the new *.mp4 File.

The new *.mp4-File will add at the End of the Playlist in the VLC-Player.

Now you can save a new Playlist with the old Playlist and the new File.
Menu / Media / Save Playlist to File... and select a Playlist-Format, like *.m3u ("New-Playlist.m3u").

The other Possibility is to use a Editor, for Example Notepad-Editor.
Here you can add the Filepath with the Name and Path to the new *.mp4-File.

- https://scriptun.com/tools/video/m3u-playlist-generator
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U

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