VLC Convert/Save Problem

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VLC Convert/Save Problem

Postby LucaBottic » 15 Jan 2020 10:38

I'm actually cutting videos for the web in .mp4 format..
Always worked fine to cut them with the Convert/Save with the :file-caching=300 :start-time=22.000 :stop-time=72.000 options.
Problem is that this function isn't working on the new version of VLC 3.X.X (Because it doesn't load any progress bar) so I downloaded my older version of my old pc (the 2.2.6 Umbrella).
With the 2.2.6 the progress bar works on converting the file but when it's finished I open the video and see that I have a black screen for the video starting on 0:00:000 till 00:21:000.
On my older version video was cutting correctly starting at 22seconds without black screen. Also the video is set on Video - H.264 + MP3 (MP4) with keep the original audio track checked.
Probably something is wrong on the video codec because the video is very low quality and comparing the sizes are really bad. (Original file size: 97Mb) | (Cutted file size: 18Mb)

Is there a setting to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance

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