VLC's impossible to delete

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 15 Dec 2019 14:47

VLC's impossible to delete

Postby solntse » 15 Dec 2019 15:05

Hi everybody,

I have a small mystery with VLC on my computer that I hope you could help me to fix.

I deleted my lastest variant of VLC but I notice that, when I check the opening options of a media file (video-audio) I'm still proposed to use 2 other variants of VLC (2.2.8 / 2.2.6) and both variants correctly open the file.

The problem is I can't find any trace of these programs on my computer. Nothing with the search tool.

I deleted my lastest variant from application, checked also the library and emptied my trash then restarted my computer but I still see the 2 VLC in the opening options.

Do you have any idea where the program can be ?

Thank you all.

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Re: VLC's impossible to delete

Postby dfuhrmann » 15 Dec 2019 20:05

Please try to open a media file so one of those old VLC versions start. Then you can right click on the VLC icon in Dock, choose Options --> Show in Finder.

Now you can see the installed location of this VLC instance and delete it if needed.
I would like to advise you to only have one VLC application in the /Applications folder, and that you keep this one up to date.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 15 Dec 2019 14:47

Re: VLC's impossible to delete

Postby solntse » 16 Dec 2019 09:59

Thanks for your answer. It worked perfectly.

I thought indeed I just updated regularly my VLC and the older variants I saw in the opening options were just a kind of bug.
That's why I was surprised to see that these variants remained after I deleted the most recent one from application.

My mistake. And now it's fixed.

Have a good day !

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