Audio / Video streaming - Audio cuts off for the last 'x' seconds of the video.

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New Cone
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Audio / Video streaming - Audio cuts off for the last 'x' seconds of the video.

Postby Kajirinn » 18 Nov 2019 12:29

As the title suggests,

When trying to stream a video together with a separate audio stream, the audio will cut off and the progress bar will stop before reaching the end.
This won't happen if I were to use audio and video files instead of streams. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? If so, is there a workaround?

I'm on windows 10, 3.0.8 Vetinari,

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Audio / Video streaming - Audio cuts off for the last 'x' seconds of the video.

Postby unidan » 18 Nov 2019 13:58

Hi, how do you put the two streams together and how are your streaming them ?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Audio / Video streaming - Audio cuts off for the last 'x' seconds of the video.

Postby Kajirinn » 18 Nov 2019 14:53

Thank you for responding,

I'm getting the audio and video streams from youtube; but this could be any source.
As for streaming, I open a network stream; put the video stream in the network protocol; go to more options; play another media synchronously; and enter the audio stream there.

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Re: Audio / Video streaming - Audio cuts off for the last 'x' seconds of the video.

Postby unidan » 18 Nov 2019 20:16

Hi, I'll take a look whether we have an issue related to that but it's using a concept called "input-slave" which is first made for subtitle files and such behaviour could be possible unfortunately.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Audio / Video streaming - Audio cuts off for the last 'x' seconds of the video.

Postby Kajirinn » 19 Nov 2019 09:54

Yeah, I'm personally developing a music application that's using input slave to keep the visual and audio separate.
Sadly this is the only way since muxed quality is very low compared to the respective separate streams. If anything can be done or if there's a work around, I'd love to know.

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