Volume level not showing on fullscreen mode...

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Volume level not showing on fullscreen mode...

Postby latheofheaven » 13 Nov 2019 07:20

Hello! This is my first post. Of course, I love VLC player and have always used it for many years. However, after updating to the current 3.08 version, I no longer see the volume level displayed on the screen when I use my mouse wheel to increase or decrease volume. Since I cannot see it and if the movie I'm watching has sporadic sound or low level sound, I have no guide as to how high or low I'm setting the volume until the sound comes on, usually too loud or soft.

Is there anyway, please, to enable the OSD of the volume level in fullscreen mode when the mouse wheel is used? I REALLY do miss that! I am indeed using Windows 8.1 with my PC.

Thanks kindly for any help!

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