DLNA controller support

​VLC for Windows Store​ specific questions

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DLNA controller support

Postby Datadrainer » 02 Nov 2019 14:11

VLC can be used to play audio streams from a DLNA server on the hardware it is running from, acting as a DLNA Player. And it does the job really well.
But today I wanted to use my phone to control a media Renderer and I was looking for a real good solution, and I was not able to find one. So it bring to questions:
1) I wonder if it is possible to implement a DNLA Controller functionality in VLC whitout to much change in the code ?
Getting file lists from a server and play (and control) the files in a DLNA Renderer instead of locally by simply selecting the renderer and using as the output for the current selection.

And if doable easily:
2) would it be an interesting enough functionally for the developers to implement it in a near future?

I think the desktop version and the Microsoft Store version of VLC must be different products for different purposes, and so here I propose a new purpose for one ;)
Hope someone can help me with that.

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