Sound is not coming back when streaming resumes

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 22 Sep 2019 16:53

Sound is not coming back when streaming resumes

Postby antonioribeiro » 22 Sep 2019 17:27

I'm using a local network streaming. Sometimes the streaming stops, because my cable tv box gets slow or something (still trying to figure it out), but when the playing resumes, sometimes a few seconds later, the sound doesn't come back, I get only the video playing. To fix it I have to close the player window and open it again and I get the sound back.

macOS 10.14.5
VLC 3.0.8

I just upgraded from V2 and it this was not happening with that version, looks like a V3 bug.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 22 Sep 2019 16:53

Re: Sound is not coming back when streaming resumes

Postby antonioribeiro » 22 Sep 2019 18:05

Downgraded to 2.2.8 and the audio comes back fine.

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