Cannot add artwork in Media Information window

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 30 Aug 2019 03:20

Cannot add artwork in Media Information window

Postby 0me » 30 Aug 2019 05:05

Hello, I cannot add artwork in the Media Information window for some reason...

OS: High Sierra 10.13.6

VLC: Version 3.0.8 Vetinari (Intel 64bit)

Files are encoded .m4a (apple lossless) with iTunes

I am guessing that is why it doesn't work???? Is there a workaround to add artwork? I tried right clicking, option click ctrl click etc no love. Cannot get the little window with the cone in it inside the media information window to allow me to add anything or make a change.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

I plan to donate - I love VLC i did the wireless load onto my iPhone in less than five minutes! LOVE it!!!

Thank you to all who have worked on this project! Kudos.

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