Code: Select all
main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor
main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor
main debug: looking for encoder module matching "any": 24 candidates
main debug: using encoder module "png"
main debug: looking for video converter module matching "any": 24 candidates
chain debug: Trying to use chroma I420 as middle man
main debug: looking for video converter module matching "any": 24 candidates
main debug: using video converter module "d3d11_filters"
main debug: Filter 'd3d11_filters' (0000015ecd739750) appended to chain
main debug: looking for video converter module matching "any": 24 candidates
swscale debug: 320x320 (320x320) chroma: I420 -> 320x320 (320x320) chroma: RV24 with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
main debug: using video converter module "swscale"
main debug: Filter 'Swscale' (0000015ecd73ce50) appended to chain
main debug: using video converter module "chain"
d3d11_filters error: missing source context
main debug: removing module "png"
main debug: removing module "chain"
main debug: removing module "d3d11_filters"
main debug: Filter 0000015ecd739750 removed from chain
main debug: removing module "swscale"
main debug: Filter 0000015ecd73ce50 removed from chain
main debug: snapshot taken (C:\Users\Yomarie\Pictures\vlcsnap-2019-04-11-11h28m28s999.png)
main debug: looking for video converter module matching "any": 24 candidates
chain debug: Trying to use chroma I420 as middle man
main debug: looking for video converter module matching "any": 24 candidates
main debug: using video converter module "d3d11_filters"
main debug: Filter 'd3d11_filters' (0000015ecd73b2d0) appended to chain
main debug: looking for video converter module matching "any": 24 candidates
swscale debug: 320x320 (320x320) chroma: I420 -> 320x320 (320x320) chroma: YUVA with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
main debug: using video converter module "swscale"
main debug: Filter 'Swscale' (0000015ecd73ce50) appended to chain
main debug: using video converter module "chain"
d3d11_filters error: missing source context
main debug: removing module "chain"
main debug: removing module "d3d11_filters"
main debug: Filter 0000015ecd73b2d0 removed from chain
main debug: removing module "swscale"
main debug: Filter 0000015ecd73ce50 removed from chain
main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor
main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `h264'
main debug: removing module "avcodec"
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: saving a free vout
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: reusing provided vout
main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `mp4a'
main debug: removing module "faad"
mmdevice debug: state changed: 0
wasapi debug: reset
main debug: removing module "samplerate"
main debug: removing module "scaletempo"
main debug: removing module "compressor"
main debug: removing module "float_mixer"
main debug: keeping audio output
main debug: removing module "mp4"
mp4 debug: freeing all memory
main debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
main debug: removing module "record"
main debug: removing module "cache_read"
main debug: removing module "filesystem"
main debug: dead input
main debug: nothing to play
main debug: destroying useless vout
main debug: removing module "direct3d11"
direct3d11 debug: Direct3D11 resources destroyed
direct3d11 debug: Direct3D11 device adapter closed
direct3d11 error: SetThumbNailClip failed: 0x800706f4
direct3d11 debug: Win32 Vout EventThread terminating
direct3d11 debug: Win32VoutCloseWindow
direct3d11 debug: WinProc WM_DESTROY
main debug: removing module "d3d11_filters"
main debug: Filter 0000015ecd73a880 removed from chain
main debug: removing module "inhibit"
qt debug: releasing video...
qt debug: IM: Deleting the input
qt debug: Video is not needed anymore
main debug: removing module "freetype"
main debug: removing module "yuvp"
main debug: removing module "swscale"
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