Direct Camera Access for Streaming

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Direct Camera Access for Streaming

Postby sainty666 » 30 Mar 2019 14:35

Good Morning. I am attempting to get a live stream from a camera over HTTP working. I have the following in a bash script:

Code: Select all

cvlc -vvv \ v4l2:// \ :v4l2-dev=/dev/video0 \ :v4l2-width=1920 \ :v4l2-height=1080 \ :v4l2-fps=25 \ :live-caching=100 \ --sout '#transcode{vcodec=mp2v}:standard{access=http{user=test, pwd=pass}, mux=ts,dst=:8080/BackDoor}' #\ #--live-caching 50 \ #--sout-mux-caching 50 \ #--network-caching 50
This I have been testing on a laptop and is working without issue. However when I then try and run this on the required Raspberry Pi Zero W it fails to open the to open the stream giving the following output:
[74000668] main input debug: `v4l2://' gives access `v4l2' demux `any' path `'
[009ff550] main input source debug: creating demux: access='v4l2' demux='any' location='' file='(null)'
[009ff638] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module matching "v4l2": 12 candidates
[009ff638] main demux debug: no access_demux modules matched
[00a112b0] main stream debug: creating access: v4l2://
[00a112b0] main stream debug: looking for access module matching "v4l2": 23 candidates
[00a112b0] main stream debug: no access modules matched
[74000668] main input error: Your input can't be opened
[74000668] main input error: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'v4l2://'. Check the log for details.
This appears best I can tell to be where it goes wrong. So far as I can tell the v4l2 drive is loaded and /dev/video0 is available. However I am not an expert when it comes to drivers.

Can you see any reason for this to be an issue? Can you point me in a direction to resolve this issue? Any assistance would be appreciated.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Direct Camera Access for Streaming

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Apr 2019 11:41

Try v4l2:///dev/video0 \
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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