Hi, VLC developers! My system is:
Ubuntu 16.04 32-bit with the standard Ubuntu repos, no third-party software installed
VLC 2.2.4
Video source to play: a local mp4/h264 file
How to reproduce the hang:
1. Open a local mp4/h264 file
2. Hit "Play" if it doesn't play automatically
3. Hit "Stop"
4. Repeat 2,3
I use QtPlayer and gtk_player from the VLC source code to test how libVLC works. My observation so far is that both demos hang in libvlc_media_player_stop() very often (see the testing steps above). The chance is around 2% that hitting the stop button hangs the application. Both the Qt and GTK demo applications hang in libvlc_media_player_stop(). Here is the stacktrace of the GTK application: https://pastebin.com/LQKfMFWJ
I also tried upgrading VLC to 2.2.8 with no luck. VLC 3.x cannot be compiled on Ubuntu 16.04 due to dependency errors. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!