Only play one file from playlist

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Only play one file from playlist

Postby MadDoctor » 03 Jun 2018 01:02

I've converted a my favourite TV show to digital because it is easier than digging through a couple hundred box sets. Usually, I copy the files to a memory stick and play them with my TV. Sometimes I get a yen for something quick and play with VLC using my TV as a second monitor. When using VLC I will put half a dozen episodes on the playlist. I've had problems with this in the past:
- playing in random order (really bad when episodes depend on each other)
- repeating the same when finished
- repeating the playlist forever
You can't really tell from the buttons on the player if random or repeat is on.
I finally got tired and started searching Google. The result:
- Tools/Preferences/Show Settings-All/Playlist/Play and Stop (I unchecked anything with repeat or random)
Now it plays one episode and stops. I want it to play the complete playlist, in the order loaded, with no repeats, then stop. When the list is finished, I close the player then start a new playlist with the next batch.

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