Formats: Real, Quicktime, SVCD...

*nix specific usage questions

Formats: Real, Quicktime, SVCD...

Postby LolliPOP » 27 Nov 2005 16:04

When will these formats be completly finished?
May you give a prediction.
Are they in development?

(I'm sorry for my English, I'm from Germany, my language skills are not very advanced... ) :wink:


Postby Guest » 28 Nov 2005 05:40

RealMedia mostly depends on getting working codecs. ffmpeg has made some progress recently with the audio codecs, but there are still problems with the demuxer and no available decoders for realvideo (rv30/rv40). This is going to take a long time.

QDM2 was added in 0.8.4, so Quicktime is now completely finished.

SVCD is also completely finished AFAIK.

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Postby dionoea » 28 Nov 2005 18:34

the cook audio decoder wasn't commited in ffmpeg yet i think. (i might be wrong). When they do commit it we will have real audio support.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby LolliPOP » 05 Dec 2005 19:40

How up-to-date is the features list then?
Whats wrong, whats right?

But just now the VLC player is maybe the best media player for linux, right?


Postby Drake » 07 Dec 2005 08:30

How up-to-date is the features list then?
Whats wrong, whats right?

But just now the VLC player is maybe the best media player for linux, right?
I do agree that VLC is one of the best media players in linux. and don't forget it's great support of cross-platform.


Postby LolliPOP » 07 Dec 2005 16:26

How up-to-date is the features list then?
Whats wrong, whats right?
Isn't it a bit old?
It shows p.e. SVCD not as fully running...


Postby LolliPOP » 07 Dec 2005 16:32

How up-to-date is the features list then?
Whats wrong, whats right?
And whats about integrating VLC media player in the Konqueror browser?


VLC in Konqueror?

Postby LolliPOP » 20 Dec 2005 14:27

How up-to-date is the features list then?
Whats wrong, whats right?
And whats about integrating VLC media player in the Konqueror browser?
Can I play videos from the internet, in the active window of the Konqueror browser?


Postby Guest » 23 Jan 2006 14:17

RealMedia mostly depends on getting working codecs. ffmpeg has made some progress recently with the audio codecs, but there are still problems with the demuxer and no available decoders for realvideo (rv30/rv40). This is going to take a long time.

QDM2 was added in 0.8.4, so Quicktime is now completely finished.

SVCD is also completely finished AFAIK.
No, VCD and SVCD are far from finished. Having written both, I think if you look at xine, you'll find something that a bit more complete when it comes to handling playback control menu segments and mouse hot spots. (But in many ways the xine code is not as clean as the xine interfaces in general are not as clean.)

The biggest obstacle with finishing the vlc code is being able to figure out how to write a plugin, any plugin, that handles navigation. I am not aware of any developer documentation on how to do such . (In contrast, when I started writing a navagable VCD plugin there was some reasonable developer documentation from the guy who had just finished adding DVD navigation.)

On vlc, at present it seems like you need to write some sort of demuxer interface for MPEG streams and some sort of thread event handler and I don't know what else. If you look at the DVD code, some of it seems unique to DVD.

In the past there seemed to be not that much interest because because it seemed to felt that no one uses S/VCDs. But alas this is a chicken-and-egg problem: is there little interest in SVCD's for example because support is minimal or is support minimal because SVCD's aren't used much?

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