High (File caching) messes with VLC volume control (version 3.0.2)

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High (File caching) messes with VLC volume control (version 3.0.2)

Postby jnuhu » 25 Apr 2018 15:40

I always set the File caching to 3000 ms to avoid the gray artifacts that sometimes show. Since VLC 3.0 I've had issues with the volume control. Now that 3.0.2 is released I reset the preferences from the start menu and narrowed down the problem to selecting a high File caching. 1000 ms seems to not cause issues with the volume control.

The issue is: when you scroll to set the volume many scrolls are ignored. Issue does not happen if video is paused or right after it's played. Only if it's been playing for a few seconds or more.

Also if I scroll in windowed menu over the volume indicator on the lower-right corner, the volume keep jumping back.

Such issues never happened up to the latest version 2. I only had to move to 3 because of the cursor not disappearing automatically that happened after a certain Win10 update.

The codec it certainly happens with is H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1) Video resolution: 1280x720. I'm on a 6th gen i5 and an Nvidia GPU and never had performance issues with VLC.

Many thanks and I hope that's the right place for posting about the issue.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Operating System: Linux

Re: High (File caching) messes with VLC volume control (version 3.0.2)

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 25 Apr 2018 18:16

As long as you keep the volume at or below 100%, and don't chagne the audio output from default, it should be fast.

In other case, well, it's a limitation of Windows, and earlier VLC versions had the same known issue.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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