VLC does not unscramble a WMV file

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage

VLC does not unscramble a WMV file

Postby SyCaT » 23 Nov 2005 15:12


I did some research on the net about WMV files that i need licenses for.
I came across this program and downloaded several versions of it, but no luck... :evil:
All other programs tell me "Failed to render". But when I use Media player, I need to "pay per view".

This is my problem:

When I open the file it play's but scrambled...
I cant select any stream out configuration or codec usage otherwise the file does not play at all.

When I try to use Raw, The program crashes. PLEASE HELP!!!... Thx

SyCaT <-- Nick
reach me on msn or IRC:
anubis.zanet.org.za / ryllotech@gmail.com

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 14 Nov 2005 09:35

Postby Polyphem » 23 Nov 2005 15:18

The file seems MS DRM protected. VLC does not support MS-DRM (closed-source). As i heard, for WM7 (old) files DRM can be bypassed, for WM8-10 there is no bypass available now.


Postby SyCaT » 23 Nov 2005 15:32

So basicly I'm stuck with the files... and no way to open them :?

The strange part is that the top half is showing


Postby SyCaT » 23 Nov 2005 15:39


Is there not any other way i can try?

Or program to test...

I've got the time and cap

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