How do I retain the original aspect ratio, yet expand video to maximum size for screen?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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How do I retain the original aspect ratio, yet expand video to maximum size for screen?

Postby Wizardling » 08 Dec 2017 08:59


I'm having trouble finding with web searches how I can avoid stretching videos outside of their original ratio, yet still expand videos so either their width or height is scaled to the limit of the screen. I don't mind black bars on the top or bottom, but not both at once, if you know what I mean.

TIA :-)
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New Cone
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Re: How do I retain the original aspect ratio, yet expand video to maximum size for screen?

Postby amstrad1cpc » 30 Dec 2017 20:23

I have the same problem. I´d like to watch old films (1:37:1 aspect ratio for example) full screen without stretching videos outside of their original ratio.

And another question, guys. Why is so difficult to change the subtitle size?

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