Why don't you provide a documentation???

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Why don't you provide a documentation???

Postby Guest » 16 Nov 2005 21:49

Now vlc has provn it's capabilies all over the world...i think you should provide some offline documentaiton also as everbody don't have internet connection...or is it so that it is under development :lol:
The documentation and FAQ's ma solve the small things which can annoy a person if he/she doesn't have the knowledge abt it..... :D

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby cellplex » 16 Nov 2005 22:23

If you go to the videolan.org main website and click on the documentation icon you can then choose which format you would like to view the documentation. Further towards the right of the format list are pdf, txt and rtf versions of the documentation which can be downloaded to your computer and read at your leisure.



Postby Guest » 18 Nov 2005 08:57

Tha's what i m saing....they should provide it with the player itself :lol:

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Postby AsMaX » 18 Nov 2005 20:45

This could be done indeed... the main problem being to have a useful and up-to-date documentation, and it is hard to get that unless people are paid to do it ;)

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