Using Apple TV (4th generation here) and I'm wondering why when I play a video from my media server to my Apple TV (using the VLC app for TVOS) why some (or a lot) of files insist on showing the metadata/codec info as the title of the video instead of showing the file name/title that I have named the video file? It's really annoying to see all this crappy code all over the bottom of my screen every time I start to play a file, I've also noticed that others have complained about this in other threads but it's never addressed. I'm thinking this is yet another reason to move away from VLC and just learn how to use Plex. Yes VLC is simple to use and I do prefer it over Plex because of this but way too many bugs that never get fixed or addressed, no way to contact anyone at VLC, support contact on their site just sends you around in circles and we are left with these support forums that just don't solve any problems.
Just in case anyone is confused I'm referring to when you click on a vid to play OR pause a vid using VLC app on Apple TV, it shows what's supposed to be the title of the video at bottom of screen for like 5 seconds, most of the time it does not and it shows metadata/codec information instead. I have all my files titled correctly (both file name & under properties/details tab) so this is not the issue. BTW it works fine using VLC for Windows (on my computer), seems to be related to the iOS/TVOS mobile app(s) only. I can't speak for Android since I don't own any Android devices.