Streaming from PC to some smart-tv

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.
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New Cone
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Streaming from PC to some smart-tv

Postby ...stofke... » 22 Jul 2017 22:32

Hello ,

I don't know where to put this question but I strugle since a few days to streaming simply a movie with sub-titles from some Windows 10 (64bits)OS on a desktop pc to some Smart-tv :-(
I can find no correct explanation on the net or is there some hidden button to stream it up to the TV ... like in pop-con for exemple :-)

What I tought that it was easy ! I can't not make some connection between VLC and my smart-tv (very stupid...)

I tried different software's where it works BUT as fan of VLC I wan't to work with VLC !
Windows Mediaplayer , youtube , smart view of samsung can stream with the Smart-tv... so it's possible.

the TV has IP , the pc IP 192.168.202 it's some home network.

What would be the correct configuration...


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