Zoom and Rotate help please

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New Cone
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Joined: 23 Jun 2017 23:18

Zoom and Rotate help please

Postby Toralei » 24 Jun 2017 00:40

I know where to find the zoom and rotate controls and I know how to use them but I find them too difficult to use. When I am watching a video that has been taken with a smart phone and the videographer was trying to be sneaky and shoot from the hip or maybe a girl is taking video of her girlfriends doing something funny and she is laughing so hard that the video shakes and rotates really bad, I just want to be able to like click and drag while I'm watching so I can watch the video easier.

I know there are programs where you can snip a video and then rotate the parts and put them back together but all I want to do is watch my friends and my videos and not have to stop everytime we have to rotate.

Is there a plugin that will help me or is there a different program maybe. I use VLC for everything so I would rather stick with it if possible.


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