How to change VLC language???

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How to change VLC language???

Postby giusè » 11 Nov 2005 11:56

Hi there,
my VLC is installed in german language, how could I change it in Italian, or at least in English???

I got Windows xp in German, I also tryed to reinstall but there are no chooses...
Can someone help me???

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Postby DOOM » 11 Nov 2005 12:06

vlc.exe --language=en


no choose

Postby giusè » 11 Nov 2005 12:32

When I install VLC I have no language options, so the point is how to do it manually...

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Postby DOOM » 11 Nov 2005 12:38



Postby giusè » 11 Nov 2005 12:50

Thx for your help but to be onest I don't really know what I have to do I'm just a beginner...

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Postby fkuehne » 11 Nov 2005 14:30

You can change the language used in VLC's interface in Interface -> General inside its preferences.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.


Postby aivansama » 27 Nov 2005 20:06

I just deleted everything in C:\Program Files\VLC Media Player\locale and got VLC in default english. :lol:

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Postby aumgeo » 10 Feb 2006 09:42

You can change the language used in VLC's interface in Interface -> General inside its preferences.

i have a similar problem :

my VLC is in english and i want it in french, but change the preferences change nothing (i have try several languages)
i work with W XP Pro, this problem exist since my older version, but when i install 0.8.4a i have chose "reset preference of older version" .

i have also try different things, and i have do several install/uninstall, but nothing change

note that i have a second PC with W2000 and VLC is in French and it change of language each time i ask it. (some difficulty with russian )

what can i do to resolve my problem with my W XP install ?

thank you

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Postby ipkiss » 10 Feb 2006 23:44

Did you try running 'vlc --language=fr'?

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Postby aumgeo » 11 Feb 2006 09:38

thank you for your anwers

i've try this, but no change :cry:

i really don't understand.

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Postby DJ » 11 Feb 2006 10:24

I am running on of the newer Nightly Builds and have tried 3 or 4 languages and it changes for me as long as I save the Preferences and close the player. When I reopen the player I have a new language. The 9.5 meg file is the install version.

The settings are in Miscellaneous, Preferences, Interface, General and scroll down the page near the end you will see Language, from the pull down select your preferred language and press Save, then close the player.

If you do not see all of the Advanced Options check the box in the bottom right corner of the Preferences menu.

If you continue to have problems I would suggest reseting your Preferences to the Defaults and try again.


PS: The Default is "Auto" and will pick up the Default Language of your System. So if your System was installed in French, VLC will show up in French.

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Postby aumgeo » 11 Feb 2006 11:25


i've do that you explain me, but nothing change.

nota : you tell me to look in "Miscellaneous, Preferences, Interface, General "
do you think : "Settings, Preferences, Interface, General " ?
because i haven't "miscellaneous" menu.

like i tell you, the problem is probably due to my system, because on my PC with W2000 all work very well.

it's not realy important, just curious.

thank you very much to have help me.

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Postby DJ » 11 Feb 2006 12:22


i've do that you explain me, but nothing change.

nota : you tell me to look in "Miscellaneous, Preferences, Interface, General "
do you think : "Settings, Preferences, Interface, General " ?
because i haven't "miscellaneous" menu.

like i tell you, the problem is probably due to my system, because on my PC with W2000 all work very well.

it's not realy important, just curious.

thank you very much to have help me.

If you work from the pull down it's Settings, Preferences. If you right click on the player it's Miscellaneous, Preferences. Still beings up the same menu. I'm running XP and a Nightly Build of VLC and I know it works. I can change to any Language in the list and VLC works in that Language. The Language files are internal to VLC and the options are stored in the Preferences directory for VLC.

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Postby aumgeo » 11 Feb 2006 12:55


thank you for explain of right click (i've never see Miscellaneous in it :oops: )

but i'm sorry, i can't put VLC in any language (only english)

very curious : if i resart my computer and that the first time i launch VLC with the "--language=fr" option i've a sort of french VLC.... but a lot of string are empty.
if i do "reset preference" : and do an another time "--language=fr" option i have english... :shock:

and of course if i chose french in preference nothing change too


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Postby DJ » 11 Feb 2006 13:10


thank you for explain of right click (i've never see Miscellaneous in it :oops: )

but i'm sorry, i can't put VLC in any language (only english)

very curious : if i resart my computer and that the first time i launch VLC with the "--language=fr" option i've a sort of french VLC.... but a lot of string are empty.
if i do "reset preference" : and do an another time "--language=fr" option i have english... :shock:

and of course if i chose french in preference nothing change too

What is the default language for your system?

I have suggested trying a Nightly Build and described where to get it and which file to choose.

Another thing you could try is to erase the Preferences directory. Perhaps something is confused. C:\Documents and Settings\Owner (this is you)\Application Data\VLC erase the VLC directory. Application Data is a hidden directory so you will need to make it visible. The first time you start VLC it will rebuild the defaults and Languages should be set to what ever your system is set to.

If your system is French VLC should also be in French.

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Postby aumgeo » 11 Feb 2006 13:28

like you tell me i use a Nightly Build.

i have try to delete : C:\Documents and Settings\Georges\Application Data\VLC

but: same things VLC in english :cry:

i'have try to uninstall VLC, erase all directory of it (application data and program file)
restart computer, install vlc : nothing change.

my computer (xp pro) is in French by default, but if i want i can use russian keyboard (so "internat" process running), and some software can work in russian (firefox, thunderbird... )
probleme can come from this ?
(my W2000 have the same config, and my linux too but no problem with it)


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Postby DJ » 11 Feb 2006 22:46

like you tell me i use a Nightly Build.

i have try to delete : C:\Documents and Settings\Georges\Application Data\VLC

but: same things VLC in english :cry:

i'have try to uninstall VLC, erase all directory of it (application data and program file)
restart computer, install vlc : nothing change.

my computer (xp pro) is in French by default, but if i want i can use russian keyboard (so "internat" process running), and some software can work in russian (firefox, thunderbird... )
probleme can come from this ?
(my W2000 have the same config, and my linux too but no problem with it)

I wouldn't think so! If this were a problem I would think it would default to Russian not English. Another person here suggested that if all the language files were erased that the default is English or at least that's how I understood it. All the language files are located C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\locale fr=French ru=Russian etc. I see a en_GB but I don't see a en_AM so perhaps the real default (no lang files) is English American. Assuming the files are there VLC recognizes sub directories and files placed within or underneath the main directory in this case VLC.

When you specify the language on the command line and VLC opens what does Messages say? If it can't find the directory or language file Messages should show it as an error.


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Postby aumgeo » 11 Feb 2006 23:21

heuu..... i have no message, VLC start in english but it don't show me error message.
perhaps i don't understand that you explain me ?
(my english practice is not very good ... :roll: :oops: )

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Postby DJ » 11 Feb 2006 23:31

heuu..... i have no message, VLC start in english but it don't show me error message.
perhaps i don't understand that you explain me ?
(my english practice is not very good ... :roll: :oops: )
I don't know! Even when you start VLC with nothing it reports its own start up, when you add commands to the command line it also reports those in Messages. Your telling me it does nothing? Does it play files and do a reporting in Messages?


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Postby aumgeo » 12 Feb 2006 10:40

i very sorry :oops:

excuse me but where VLC report is own start up ?

i've see nothing.

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Postby DJ » 13 Feb 2006 00:03

i very sorry :oops:

excuse me but where VLC report is own start up ?

i've see nothing.
By right clicking on the player choose Miscellaneous, Messages or Select the View pull down select Messages.


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Postby aumgeo » 13 Feb 2006 09:08


the windows message is empty....

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Postby DJ » 13 Feb 2006 10:06


the windows message is empty....
I wish I knew what to say at this point!

When I start VLC and immediately go to Messages I see the interface or startup.

When I change the Language in Preferences, Interface, General and select the Language pull down, it changes to that language assuming I Save the Preferences and close the player. When I reopen the player the new Language is set.

If I open a DOS box and go to the VLC directory "cd \progra~1\videolan\vlc" and then type "vlc --language fr" when VLC opens the language is French. (without the quotes)

When you installed VLC and selected the French language were the installation instructions in French?

When you open your Control Panel and then open Regional and Language Options, is there anything there that even suggests a language other than French?

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Postby aumgeo » 13 Feb 2006 11:13

the installation don't propose me to change language, so instructions are in English.

for control panel Regional and Language Options: yes Russian, but the default one is French.

(same thing on my second computer)

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Postby DJ » 13 Feb 2006 23:34

the installation don't propose me to change language, so instructions are in English.

for control panel Regional and Language Options: yes Russian, but the default one is French.

(same thing on my second computer)
Two questions posted in the last 24 hrs asked why during the install was my language offered and not installed when the install was in my language. Both systems were set up for English. But they saw the installation in there language when they chose the language option.

One person has come back and said that the change was successful, I am waiting on the other response.

If you go to the directory where the languages are kept (described in earlier post) are they there?


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