[SOLVED]radio stream shortcut for VLC

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[SOLVED]radio stream shortcut for VLC

Postby kiwig » 21 Apr 2017 02:43

Hello All
I have been using VLC for some time now and I used to have a desktop link to a specific Radio station. The radio station changed the link details and I haven't been able to create a workable link with the help of this thread.https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?t=48172.
My VLC library link to the station which works is: http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3. The desktop link I created(so I can open the station quicker)is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" " http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3". I get the error:VLC is unable to open the MRL ' http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3'. Check the log for details
Is someone able to help me to correct the desktop link so it works?
Update: the link is working like this
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3

Big Cone-huna
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Re: [SOLVED]radio stream shortcut for VLC

Postby zcot » 21 Apr 2017 18:12

link I created is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" " http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3"

error:VLC is unable to open the MRL ' http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3'.
It looks like you have a space before the http:// part... -that was the problem.
so the string needs to be "http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3"
and you had it as " http://radionz-ice.streamguys.com:80/national.mp3"

But your solution is good for that network stream.

But, fyi, the reason to quote that media link is in case there is a space in it, which will get broken up by the Windows system. On the internet you wont have that, but in the local file system you probably will, so that's why you quote it for encapsulation.
"C:\Users\Bob Johnson\Music\Alvin and the Chipmunks\all tunes.m3u"

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