VLC on the Zaurus ---

*nix specific usage questions

VLC on the Zaurus ---

Postby Wareazy » 07 Nov 2005 18:18

Ok, so i havent been able to find much on this site for the Zaurus.
I'm using the Zaurus SL-C3000 with Cacko beta rom 1.

I have installed these files, through the installer. Not the terminal.


I start having issues when i try to add a file to the playlist.
Here is what happens:
# vlc
# add jerry2.avi

and i get this:

trying to add jerry2.avi to playlist
add: returned 0 (no error)
[00000121] main input playlist item 'jerry2.avi'
This file was encoded with DivX503 Build959
[00000125] main audio output error: couldn't find a filter for the conversion
[00000125] main audio output error: couldn't set an input pipeline
Display size = 480x640

Anyone have any ideas why i might be getting this? and how to fix it ?

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