Unable to view all files in directory on NAS?

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Unable to view all files in directory on NAS?

Postby richellis » 28 Feb 2017 21:21


Had a problem for some time now and thought I'd post here in case anyone knows of a solution.

I have the VideoLAN VLC player iOS app on both my Apple TV (latest gen) and iPad Air. I connect to my Seagate NAS drive easily enough via the local network > uPNP menu and can see my directories and files etc. I have one folder that contains all my feature films but for some reason, I can only see a certain number of the files. There are a few hundred files in the folder but I can only seem to 'see' about 50 or so of them. I know they are all there as I can find them easily on my Smart TV but the VLC app only seems capable of showing me a finite amount.

Is there a folder size limitation I'm unaware of? Any ideas for a fix/workaround?

Thanks in advance.

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